What type of items are you issued?


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
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Kind of a simple question, based off a discussion I was having with my coworker yesterday.

What equipment are you give when you start a job? for example, as a police office, you are given uniform shirt/pants, jacket, hat, shoes, uniform belt, duty belt, all the stuff that is kept on duty belt, radio holster, sidearm, and pretty much all the equipment you would need to do your job, often including summer/winter wear, and shoes. If you end up on a specialized unit (SWAT, etc) you are often issue all the equipment to do the job.

When I started my EMS career, I got 3 shirts and 2 pairs of regular pants. Polo shirts, job shirts, belt, boots, radio holster, scope, these all came out of my pocket, and I consider many of these things to be required items to do the job. My current employer issues 4 shirts, 3 pairs of pant (but you can pay for the upgrade to EMT BDUs), helmet, universal holster, helmet, and blood pressure cuffs (small adult and obese), but everything else you need to provide. And all the supplemental stuff needs to be brought with you for every shift you have on the road.

So simple question, what items are you issues when you start the job, and what items are you expected to purchase on your own?
Well it really depends on the company

When i worked at my last job which was an IFT company
they provided: 9 pairs of Uniform Shirts and Pants (i didnt like the pants so i bought my own), A Pager, Badge, and each Rig had a blood pressure cuff and a steth (they weren't the best quality)

Id say the basic things they would have to provide are: Uniform Shirts and Pants and Badge

Last job i had to buy my Boots, Name Tag, Watch out of my own pocket

id say most companies give you the bare minimum to do your job, but if you wanna make it easier on your self your gonna have to spend money out of pocket
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We're volunteer, but everyone is provided with a tee-shirt, polo, sweat shirt, and jacket. The squad will also provide a whit "class a" shirt for formal occasions. All the necessary equipment is on the rig.

I spent some money out of pocket - I wanted my own scope, and I prefer a click-on penlight over a disposable. But you could get by with spending nothing.
in the academy we were given:
pt shorts - 3 pair
recruit tshirts - 5 total

then when we graduated we were given:
reflective rain parka
hearing protection
back brace
reflective vest

we come out of pocket for uniform shirts and pants but there's a 75% reimbursement once a year for whatever you bought. from a city designated vendor ofcourse.
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Off the top of my head:

4 class A uniform shirts
4 Pair of BDU pants
3 duty polo shirts
2 jumpsuits
1 badge
1 set of collar brass
1 nameplate
1 traffic safety vest
1 rain coat
1 rain pant
1 extrication jacket
1 extrication helmet
1 windbreaker
1 gas mask
1 hazmat suit
1 duty bag
1 accountability tag
1 dept photo identification card

we also get a 300 dollar uniform allowance each year to purchase boots, belts, and additional uniforms/items as authorized by our CBA
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We are issued 3 short sleeve T's, one long sleeve T, one polo shirt, two sweatshirts, 3 pairs of BDU's, one pair of BDU shorts, one pair of sweatpants, and one pair of PT shorts. We are also issued a winter coat, duty boots, rubber fireboots, bunker gear, helmet, and rescue gloves. (I work for a fire-based EMS system.)

I prefer EMS pants over BDUs, so I buy those. Each station also had their own shirts with their station logo on it that you can buy if you choose to do so. They are approved to wear on duty. I also bought my own steth, several years ago. I just can't hear anything at all with the cheap ones on the truck.

Some of the items we are issued are a one time thing, and then you have to replace them on your own. The one that comes to mind right away is footwear. Other things, like all of our clothing, are from the quartermaster, so we can replace them anytime we need to. We also get a stipend in June and December to pay for items that we need/want to purchase on our own.

Basically, everything is supplied for us, but you can always "upgrade" certain items at your own expense.
I was issued/given nothing. When I started working IFT I had to pay for the required shirts and pants myself with no help. Same with at the hospital I worked at. If I get a job offer tomorrow after my interview we'll see what they say
5 Uniform Shirts
2 Pants
4 T-Shirts
Wet Weather Pants
Cold Weather Jacket
5 Pairs of socks
Baseball Cap
Name Badge
2 Pairs of jumpsuits
Reflective Vest

Any other c**p we want to hang off ourselves we buy. Uniform replaced by the service as we need it/ask for it. If we want to get different boots the service will pay up to a certain limit. Cargo pants are unfortunately not allowed.
I forgot to also include the Class B shirt and Class A uniform, badges, name plate, shoes, etc that goes along with them.
We are issued;
  • 4 complete sets of uniforms (can choose a combination of shirts and
    pants/shorts and/or jumpsuits)
  • Undershirts (t-shirts)
  • Formal hat
  • Baseball cap
  • Beanie
  • Jumper and vest
  • Polar fleece top
  • Rain jacket
  • Dress belt, utility belt, radio pouch and a Morphine pouch for advanced care and above medics
  • Safety kits contains; Kelvar helmet, Scott M95 respirator (additional training required), eye and ear protection, extrication gloves, P2/3 paper mask

I think that's it, all the actual patient care equipment is supplied, as well as disposable pen torches etc.
I was given a radio, bunker gear an EMT class, a FF class and the directions to a place where I could buy anything I needed that I could not find on the ambulance or fire truck.

To this date, I have purchased a few shirts and a couple of pair of pants. Oh yeah, the department provided me patches too, and the phone number of a seamstress.

When and if I pass my NR-EMT I will buy a new uniform.
4 shirts, a pants voucher, and a pager.

All of the equipment is on the rig.

I'm kind of glad they don't buy boots though, because I'd rather be able to choose my own (and that's worth paying $150 for them!)
We do entirely 911 response and we got issued:
1 pager
1 pr. pants
1 uniform shirt, with name patch and badge patch
1 3 in 1 system coat
1 set of USAR gear

Thats it. We had to supply our own boots the FIRST time. Once that set wore out the supply clerk alotted us 90.00 to purchase another pair. We also get given one t-shirt per year with our department name on it and we're usually told it's NOT to be a 'duty' shirt. Which means when we're doing a set shift we wear it UNDER our uniform shirt and if we aren't on duty but come in for a volunteer call, we usually wear just the t-shirt.

That's for us volunteers / part timers. If you're a full timer you get 2 pairs of pants, 2 uniform shirts, and 2 t-shirts.
Law enforcement issues uniforms to cops? Really? Wow, rare!

First civilian EMT job: shirt only, a rack of windbreakers was available to choose from and keep while you worked. Bring your own name badge. That's it. Bring your own scope.

Next one: shirt, holster (shears only but thick leather), and coats for winter. Bring your own scope.

Football standby: no uniform, but a big plastic tool box full of junk which I stripped, cleaned and restocked. I used it to resupply my personal kit bag and stood on it for a longer view over people's heads.
I'll chime in a bit. For the two private services I work for, I was provided with 3 Uniform shirts and 3 pairs of pants (tailored), a winter jacket, Pullover, a hat, and collarpins. Boots, scope, etc are the responsibility of the employee.
At the service I now manage, we provide new employees a collared polo when they join, and another shirt with each promotion (t-shirt, then long-sleeved tee). Ample jackets and winterwear are available for the on-call crew, along with dress uniforms (shirts and pants) if the event requires it. Our duty bags have nice scopes, but some members bring their own. Otherwise, our clinical supervisors are issued their own pagers and radios, others use dedicated on-call radios. When members leave the department, they keep their uniform shirts... so we are constantly buying new. All issued uniforms are only for on-duty use.
Every year, we offer members to buy their own personalized uniforms (sweatshirts, job shirts, sweatpants, etc), that can be worn at all times, on-call or off.

I was given a pair of scissors, a small glove pouch, and a duffel bag :sad:
Paid for out of pocket:
Two BDU pants
Pair of converse tactical boots per uniform policy
Two polo uniform shirts
A pullover
ball cap
company approved belt

When they switched the winter coats to ANSI approved one was provided for me free of charge.
3 EMS Pants

3 Polo Shirts

1 Pair Boots

1 Belt

1 Sweatshirt

Pants are hemmed by co. and shirts are embroidered with name/cert....
2 Short Sleeve Class A
2 Long Sleeve Class A
Job Shirt
3 Pair of Pants

My company is cheap uniform and equipment wise but they pay quite well in comparison to others in the area. Though on your birth month as a birthday "gift" they issue you three items that you feel you need.

I wish we got a boot allowance but we do not so I have decided that I will put things that I buy for work as tax deductions this coming year.
.... why a thumbs up and "good luck bro!" what else would you need? :D

Three uniforms and a photo ID.

Boots, stethoscope, holster and contents etc are your responsibility.

If you carry narcs and/or RSI drugs you get a belt pouch.