What Type of EMS Agency Do You Work For?

What Type(s) of EMS Agency Do You Currently Work For?

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Mountain Res-Q

Forum Deputy Chief
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I have noticed that a lot of people think that EMS and Ambulance are the same thing. EMS stands for a medical service of an emergenct nature. Therefore, EMS can be provided by any number of non-transport agencies. For instance, I have been in EMS for 8 years and have only worked for a little over a year on an Ambulance (althoguh I am looking to get back into it). The rest of the time I've worked SAR, at a private Recreational facility, at a correctional facility, and at numerous public event first aid stations. Every time I used my same BLS/EMT certification and carried much of the same gear... only I didn't transport to a hospital via ambulance (by air sometimes for SAR though). I know that many here speak of working EMS for not only Fire and Ambulance agencies, but for correctional facilities, in hospitals, in clinics, in wilderness settings, and for the military.

So, I ask you, and please vote for every agency type you work for, What Type of EMS Providing Agency Do You CURRENTLY Work For?
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I put both ambulance and law enforcement first response because my service is headed by the town's community constable.
I just made a post over here (http://emtlife.com/showpost.php?p=146574&postcount=6) about the definition of EMS. I don't want to split the discussion if someone is already replying to it. Admins, feel free to move the post if you want to.

I replyed and see your point. I just disagree with the ingrained notion that unless you are providing tranpost you are not EMS. By that standard Taxi drivers are EMS. I provide Emergency Medical Services in a variety of settings, not just Ambulance, and think that everyones contribution to the EMS system (no matter how we help save or simply comfort someone in need). EMS does not mean Ambulance.
I'm not saying that you have to transport to be considered EMS seeing as I've worked a truck, hospital, and a TacMedic all i was saying is that I don't consider fire that doesn't transport EMS... I believe that they are pretty much good at first aid. I realize theres other EMS out there that does not transport. I.E. TacMedics, SAR such as yourself, EMS working special events, etc. where actual EMTS / nursing is involved. you say you've only work an ambulance for over a year I've been in EMS for 5 years now and worked on an ambulance for a little under 2 years. Worked a year as a TacMedic and a year as an ED medic. Never got into SAR but I imagine it would be quite fun but alas the only thing SAR related where I live is pulling illegals out of the aqueducts.

EDIT: last year has been active duty army.
I don't belong to any.

I work for a sheriff's dept in their jail; they want to do a lot of stuff halfway but I try to get them to either do it right or leave it to the local fire EMS who provide ALS (beyond what our doctors can do) and transport.
the only thing SAR related where I live is pulling illegals out of the aqueducts.

Ha. We just go code 2 to the call for those and recover them... never rescue... j/k.

I work for a sheriff's dept in their jail; they want to do a lot of stuff halfway but I try to get them to either do it right or leave it to the local fire EMS who provide ALS (beyond what our doctors can do) and transport.

That counts as Law enforcement First Response in my books ince you are working for a Law Enforcement Agency and providing First Response EMS until a "Second Response" can take over.
yeah my favorite was when they've been there for about a week and border patrol picks em out and starts CPR.
Hmmm. I also work for three very different systems, all providing EMS. My primary job is with a BLS Ambulance company. We do 911 along with fire. I also work for a Water Park as a staff EMT and as an EMT with my SAR group. Both of those are no transport. (Unless we fly with the SO's Helo)
By the definitions I'm hearing, I am not EMS.

So be it. Sorry to intrude.

sniff sniff


What about paramedics on squads like johnny and roy?
So be it. Sorry to intrude.

CERT coounts as "other first response agency" and a jail counts as "Law First response".

Bu, if you want to get technical, while 19 people (to date) have chosen Ambulance, we have 16 votes (including some who voted for Ambulance as well) for non-transport EMS. According to some, if we don't transport, we are not EMS. Sorry folks, but several people (6 by my count out of 25 - that's 24% of the forums) have to leave! :rolleyes:
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Way to twist the poll data. Did you even try reading the question before coming to that conclusion?
Way to twist the poll data. Did you even try reading the question before coming to that conclusion?

Since I wrote the question... yah I read it! :wacko:

How is the data twisted? I am just making an observation based on the 25 people who voted; obviously not a huge demographic from which to draw a great conclusion, but follow along:

25 people voted (some of them several times). 19 of those peope said that they work Ambulance (among other things). That leaves 6 people that work EMS related jobs that are not Ambulance Transport. Now I graduated from 3rd grade once upon a time, so I think I got the math down... 6 out of 25 people is.... um... um.... 24%... I think... :rolleyes:

So, as it stands now, 1/4 of all posters who are willing to vote here are not ambulance affiliated. How is that twisted?
I am not voting anyone off the island.

But watching other folks having knife fights in stiletto heels standing in a liferaft is always droll.....;)

(Sorry about the bad visual)