So reading some of the post by our newer members has made me recall how difficult a time I had learning to do a proper H&P when I was a new medic. Seems as though we were taught what the signs and symptoms of many conditions were, but not how to assess for the signs and symptoms themselves. My school had a semester where the focus was assessment, but perhaps I didn't take it seriously enough, I'm not sure. I do know that it took me a good four to five years to be able to reliably entire constellation of symptoms into account and come up with a relatively clear differential of something that wasn't blatantly obvious.
How about y'all? What's been your white whale?
(Edited cause it read like I had a head bleed, it's nap time and the kids don't want to lay down)
How about y'all? What's been your white whale?
(Edited cause it read like I had a head bleed, it's nap time and the kids don't want to lay down)
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