What the h*ll is wrong with this guy!

Talked to one of my FF friends this am. He was on call last night and it seems the Medics were talking about filling in on shifts, now that "someone" was pulled off the road and is being made to answer the phones at their main office.

Nobody would say anything specific to any of the FF though, they are being real quiet about it.
So if you called the main office to ask about some employment opprotunities, you think he might be there? :blink: ;)
Originally posted by ffemt8978@Dec 31 2004, 12:36 PM
So if you called the main office to ask about some employment opprotunities, you think he might be there? :blink: ;)
Even better - call for a code, then when you get him sy, oh, yeah, I forgot you don't do codes. :unsure: :wacko:

Probably not a good idea, though..........

EMT Princess

Is this story you tell true, or a work of fiction? I can't imagine this to be true, right? The paramedic you mention shouldn't be working one call more in EMS if this is true. Can you do something formally to get him/her out of the business, perhaps with your state EMS agency?
I talked my my course instructor last week about this - he also works for the ambulance company we do ride times with. I aked him if he was aware of the situtation with one of the people who teach the CPR block and myself. I was talking to him during a break in class, and he said he was and I should come by his office tomorrow.

So I get there and he lets me know, first off we will have a different instructor for CPR. He is no longer using that medics services. And secondly, this is not the first time they have had complaints, but it as always been his word against the FF. This guy has been pursuing other career opportunites for "a while" (I did not ask what a while meant). And as soon as he finds another job, he will not be working with patients. And until then, he will be working in the office, answering phones, doing billings, personell, and the like. Kind of a floater there. Usually that is what the EMT's/Medics do that are injured and can't work on the ambulances - but can to some work.

I guess he readily admits to being "tired of patients" and "not wanting to have to touch another sick person" and things like that. My instructor says definant burn out. He also says this guy was one of the best medics in this 3 county area "back in his day."
Glad to hear it was resolved in a way that is best for the patients, and that they are being sensitive to this medic too by allowing him to work in a non-patient contact environment until he finds another job.