What should I do!?!


Forum Lieutenant
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Now that I am a certified Basic, I can use the department to gain a year of experience to quailify myself for a paid position. Once they give me my medic bag, I will have free reign of the station nearest to me. The reasons are as follows:

1.) We have two stations; the big station and the sub-station. The large station is 2.5 minutes away from my house if I drive the speed limit... WHICH I DO!
2.) All other EMS personnel live nearer the sub station station... ten minutes away from the station nearest to me. Both stations are unmanned.
3.) All the old people live in the district of the large station. The substation area is all rich doctors, so no calls there... except for the occasional hiking accident on the weekend. Those are fun. :)

Anyway, the point is, I get to go on calls and arrive all by myself. I think thats a bad thing. First of all, THEY HAVEN'T GIVEN ME A RADIO!!! Second, mutual aid will roll out if nobody responds, although I could use the help and that makes me happy. Sometimes, a member responds, other times they dont.

The station is laid back about SOG's/SOP's so I dont know what I should do. Should I wait until I get a radio or should I just go administer treatment as soon as they give me my bag? Dont ask about my preceptor at the station. He works 12 hours a day. God bless him, but chances are that he wont be there when the next call comes. We dont exactly have a huge call volume.

Not sure at this point what the best procedure is...what should I do?
well pfmedic;
the pagan god of radio waves has always hated me (or it could just be the mountains here, but i like a celestial conspiracy much better)

sooo....i use a cell ph to update dispatch, i use the patients land line to call the e.r.

communication is communication right?

double post god (must be related?)
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mmmmm....mountains. That must be so great! Oh sorry back to the subject, I think stevo's method is cool, how is the reception there? Also though I think you should really push for a radio before hand, for back up and extra peace of mind.
You can make it there in a minute if you speed...

That's what I do. :P
You can make it there in a minute if you speed...

That's what I do. :P


Seriously, I dont think that my chief would appreciate me using my cellphone... especially my preceptor (assistant chief and high-horse a$$hole extraordinaire.) Theoretically, if I used it, would I dial 911 or do they usually have some other line in place which I can use?
Our 911 also answers the non emergency number to dispatch, I'd bet yours is probably set up the same way.
well it doesnt matter because I self-terminated my probationary status. My superior was the biggest 2 year old I have ever laid eyes on.
pfmedic said:
well it doesnt matter because I self-terminated my probationary status. My superior was the biggest 2 year old I have ever laid eyes on.

WHAT? This deserves a story.

On a side note, I find that dispatch doesn't mind telephone calls. I call the dispatch center, identify myself say "Hi this is Matt on 123, can I have our dispatcher?"

Hospitals are the same way.
MMiz said:
WHAT? This deserves a story.

On a side note, I find that dispatch doesn't mind telephone calls. I call the dispatch center, identify myself say "Hi this is Matt on 123, can I have our dispatcher?"

Hospitals are the same way.
I do that at my part-time gig with "a large nationwide ambulance company"

At work (security/ems) - we have 2 seperate dispatch centers... the main one is staffed by 2 officers 7a-7p on weekdays, and both are staffed 24/7/365.... the main number rings every phone in the office (2 back rooms, supervisor's desk, and 2 console phones) and there are direct lines that just call the console directly. My supervisor has an annoying habit of anwering the general line, then telling me that "you need to tell dispatch that" when I tell why I'm calling.... So I just call the console directly.

With our 911 system... the "backdoor" numbers to both the county 911 supervisor and the East fire dispatch console are in my cell phone. I will call the dispatcher onscene with "this is XXXXX in ambXX-X. I need medics for an unconsious 20 y/o male...." or similar.... but ONLY when I don't have my radio.
MMiz said:
WHAT? This deserves a story.
My assistant chief is my best friend and he would be the biggest Nazi when I would screw up in training, calls or whatever. Then he would call me buddy buddy to go drink. When we got there ,he would talk about how terrible a proby I was... for the whole time. Whenever something went wrong with the proby's, I got blamed. He always blamed me. Last night was the last straw and I bailed. I put another blurb about this in another post entitled "Freinds who Are superiors" because I enjoy reading stores about how petty some a$$holes can me.
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when I look at this it becomes clear that the problem lies that I consider him a friend...

...but nobody can keep a friend when they become your superior.

end of story