what Knife do you carry on duty?

Ok I said something stupid, can we get back on topic.
Sure we can, this is what I was talking about carrying. It's gotten my butt out of a few jams and is definitely worth it's weight in gold.

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I carry an inexpensive Kershaw 3" folding knife I bought from Wal-Mart for $18 - sharp as heck.

The knife hinge is too tight to be opened with a single thumb, you usually have to use two hands to open it. It is the knife I carry in my pocket almost all the time... I use it for opening packages, etc.

I also carry a combination seatbelt cutter/center punch on my keyring... I've used the centerpunch twice (before FD dug theirs out) and I use the razorblade cutter all the time when I don't have a knife with me to open packages, etc.
When I first started I carried a leatherman. It was expensive, but I rationalized that I'd be using it all the time. I rarely used it, and stopped carrying it.

I've found my trauma shears are the most valuable cutting tool I have. They're safe to use around patients, and I don't have to worry about cutting something that I don't intend to cut. I always love when I see people cut open something with their knife, and accidently cut through the medical equipment. When I was doing a ride along with a private service, I even saw a senior medic cut through our last IV line. Oops.
When I first started I carried a leatherman. It was expensive, but I rationalized that I'd be using it all the time. I rarely used it, and stopped carrying it.

I've found my trauma shears are the most valuable cutting tool I have. They're safe to use around patients, and I don't have to worry about cutting something that I don't intend to cut. I always love when I see people cut open something with their knife, and accidently cut through the medical equipment. When I was doing a ride along with a private service, I even saw a senior medic cut through our last IV line. Oops.

Actually I have an opinion on this topic.

On duty as a police officer I carried the Benchmade 550. There is a reason for that........ I teach the Tac-Folder..... to Law Enforcement.

In EMS I truly reccommend the Trama Shears. I can do all the real cutting tasks I need to with them........... but they could double as a last ditch defense tool. I even did an article on them:


Now with that in mind..... please remember that is a worst case scenario where you couldn't escape by other means. Please don't jump up and down thinking I am trying to make Tac-Medics out of people..... The Trauma Shears would appear much less aggressive "IF" a person ever had to resort to them instead of using a knife.

The reality is the trauma shears would be no different than using a radio, clipboard or anything else IF the situation called for it and you could REASONABLY ARTICULATE in writing "why" you had to resort to such a thing.
Sure we can, this is what I was talking about carrying. It's gotten my butt out of a few jams and is definitely worth it's weight in gold.


I carry a smiliar tool. The main difference is where the pliers are on this one, mine has finger nail clippers. Where the serated blade is on this one, mine has a cute little pair of scissors. And where those 3 little baby things are, mine has a fingernail file, eyebrow tweezers, and a mirror.

There is something to be said for maintaining my "Prettiest, nicest, bestest amblance girl" rep amongst the uppperclass homeless drunk guys.;
I carry a smiliar tool. The main difference is where the pliers are on this one, mine has finger nail clippers. Where the serated blade is on this one, mine has a cute little pair of scissors. And where those 3 little baby things are, mine has a fingernail file, eyebrow tweezers, and a mirror.

There is something to be said for maintaining my "Prettiest, nicest, bestest amblance girl" rep amongst the uppperclass homeless drunk guys.;

Hahahaha, you're the best!!! And this is definitely what you are!

HEY! Did you see the panties with that on them? I LIIIIKE THOSE!!
I got one from one of the beach stores that says

"Im a Virgin."

Then across the back it says

"This is an old shirt."

I had it on at under my uniform top one day. Well in station my partner and I get as nearly naked as appropriate (tshirt, jammie shorts, and flip flops). 'bout 1900 our Chief came through the door along with our shift commander on one of his "feel good, let the people on the road think I give a crap about them" missions. He didn't say a while lot about it, but later that night my shift commander could hardly keep a straight face as he was saying perhaps I might consider not wearing that shirt but hes not saying I can't but If I do wear it could I please keep it covered. Apparently, after he left our station our Chief got embarrassed when he came in and seen my partner in our jammies, and then actually read what my shirt said. What, there are no rules about things being printed on our tshirts, just what color they are. Blue, Black, Grey, or White. Or no tshirt at all. Because thats what can be seen.
Our uniform shirts are these blue t-shirts that have TCERT plastered on the left breast and across the back. But, until you're certed, you don't get to wear anything with TCERT on it. When I was still running as a third, I jumped out of bed for a call one night, but grabbed the wrong shirt (said something like "Rock out with your :censored: out"). I was a little embarrassed when I realized on scene that I'd gotten the wrong one. Though, at 3am, everyone thought it was funny, and fortunately my director didn't say anything afterwards.

But, to get back on topic, I use this when I go rafting.

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CRKT M-16. None of that serated edge stuff either. Just a regular blade. In my EMS work, we do a fair amount of cave/wilderness rescue type stuff. Not to mention farms..... Anywho a knife has been used to cut webbing rope, and making PB&J sandwiches.
Well damn, I went out and paid 50.00 bucks for a SOG flash II, I just couldn't help myself...:sad:
Don't forget, this one is great for opening a beer bottle at the end of the day :)

I usualy carry a small folding blade, but almost never use it for anything but opening food packages that get the better of me.

I do carry this;

It's super usefull, actualy more so in the ER that I work in than on the ambulance, as I generaly don't get codes or other calls that require clothes to be cut off on the ambulance, but it's way better than a pair of shears.
shears and a leathermen are all I ever need... for EMS and even mountain rescue...

just maintain your tools and keep them sharp so that can do the job if you need them

for diving and swift water i have nicer bigger knives (with line cutters, two sided, serrated and straight, and the swiftwater knife is dull tipped)
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I agree with that, I carry a Benchmade Mel Pardue...


Benchmade 550 in my right and a Emerson Kerambit in my left. Both are purely for rescue................................ mine. :)
Nice. Real Nice...

I'm starting to think about getting a Rescue Hook...