What have you lost?

-A certain amount of libido. Where as once the idea of going out to a party and meeting women and ending up in the sack with one (or more, if the gods smiled upon me. They never seem to do a lot of smiling though :rofl: ) of them would fill me with excitement. Now it just seems like so much effort that I don't have the energy for. Sex just seems so procedural since I started in EMS and involves many of the same body parts and fluids that I tend to try and avoid, but inevitably come into contact with, everyday at work. I wonder sometimes if EMS has ruined sex for me :P

Holy christ is that what it is? I thought I was just getting old...
I guess I'm lucky....I haven't had that particular problem Melclin.
I guess I'm lucky....I haven't had that particular problem Melclin.

I guess you just haven't been in long enough or seen enough, mate. Probably don't know much about respiratory physiology either. ;)
;) Eh....enough to get by. LOL :p
I lost my emotions from years of having to turn them off, and not knowing how to turn them on. I found them about 5 years ago, it's always the last place you look.
Compassion in all its forms. I dont feel sorry for anyone anymore. I see people in my ambulance and all i can see is the cause. I used to feel bad for the COPDer or the diabetic. Now i curse them as i get up at 2am. They cant breathe now because they smoked for 20 years, or ate themselves to death. its all i see when im standing over a diabetic emergency thats pushing 300lbs, i hate them.QUOTE]

If I may offer a different POV. It is not our place to judge, no matter how right we are. We can have our opinions, but IMO, they must never be known to the patient. Yes, they live a life of high risk. Then again so do most of us. SCUBA diving, sky diving, motorcycles, marriage, affairs, and let's face it, there are many abusers of caffiene and nicotine in EMS.
Lost time with friends and family.
And I really don't care how it happened just don't tell me how to fix it.
Lost - Precious moments with my wife and son. Any type of normal sleep cycle. Im sure some of my tone based hearing. Probably several years of health for my back/knees when I'm older.

Gained - a fear of being in a state where I cannot care for myself. A sense of just how beautiful and fragile life can be. The ability to think and take action in practically any situation. An irrational over-protectiveness of my wife and son.
Ever since I joined the department I'm on, I instantly conquered my fears of heights and small spaces, started rock climbing in the southern area of the state (ironically with my EMT instructor, haha), rappelling from 130 foot cliffs, and have the outlook on life that "You only live once". :cool:

I guess the downside is that unless it is a child involved, death doesn't upset me anymore. On or off of the call.

EMS introduced me to a world realer than real. A world that made any work of fiction put me to sleep. I lost the desire to live in any world that bored me.

This also describes it perfectly.
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Precious moments with my wife and son.

All the more reasons to never have kids. LOL