What does everyone do for fun outside EMS


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After EMT-B while I am waiting on further training I am going to school for photography. I enjoy photography and learning it in debt could be rewarding and even make me a little money. Psssh I win both ways
I'm an odd kind of geek.

On the one hand, I like fantasy and 'getting away from it all'. I enjoy reading and playing role playing games (like D&D)

On the other hand, I can be very serious and 'real world' oriented. My other hobbies including hitting the gym, martial arts (Aikido) and shooting.

So, pretty much anything that lets off steam.
RMApok said:
and shooting.

So, pretty much anything that lets off steam.

That's my favorite way to destress.

In addition, I'm a bona fide member of "scanner land" and like listening to other public safety agencies. I also do a lot of video converting and editing in my spare time.
Volunteering as an EMT is what I do in my spare time...

I work full-time as a Security Officer-EMT. My "for fun" part-time job is working Event Medical stuff - the rate I'm paid, it isn't volunteer, but it isn't much money once taxes and gas comes out.

I've recently taken up shooting for "fun" and stress relief, but it is also work-related, as I hold an Armed Security license in PA.

Another hobby is Amateur Radio - I volunteer for public service event radio coverage, etc.
Hahahaha spare time....I volunteer as a Firefighter/EMT in my spare time, and take EMS-related classes for CE's.

I love to read......fantasy genre (like Tolkien or Lewis) are my favorites. I write, although I rarely share anything. I have two dogs and several cats that I enjoy. I garden and feed the birds and squirrels in my backyard. I'm an internet junkie! I also like to walk/hike.....go to garage sales and flea markets.....and I'm into photography, especially black and white. I also like to go camping but have not done that in a long time.
Hah! This is what I do for fun. In my other life, I make myself look good for colleges. Sports, French club, newspaper, helping freshmen get adjusted to high school... but mostly I just go on MySpace.
well I hunt fish and work on guns in my sparetime (gunsmith) BUT I also roleplay for fantasy,run a reptile rescue and have 5 horses to care for/break/train...sometime then I manage to cook clean and spnd time with my btter half 2dogs and 1bird heh....

I draw and paint too (whn I feel up to it)
Aside from EMS I beleive photography is going to be my other half. Im trying to get myself together. Females cause way too much confusion these days.

Don't get me wrong ladies I LOVE YOU but my wallet does not lol
One day in the future I'm sure I'll have time for hobbies again. An 8 month old and a 3 year old seem to eat up any spare time I have and then some!!!
Spare time? :wacko: I am a work at the fire department as a FF, EMT shifts, and dispatching shifts, I work for a private ambulance company, and I work full time for a #1 aero medical program. I dont have any spare time. The little time I do I hang out with friends or ride my Triumph. I plan on taking my medic starting within the next 6 months so that should take care of the remaining time.
Fun? what's that?

* video games - friend works for a game company, so I get some games free or really cheap.
* blowing stuff up. Tannerite rocks.
* target shooting. cans & plastic bottles are fun. Our new data destruction policy here at the day job is "IS&T takes the old hard drives out and shoots them dead." Or we blow them to smithereens with Tannerite.
* cooking - yes, I can cook. I like to grill meats.
* walking - grab the iPod and go for a walk.
Nice. Real Nice... Around here they ultra-wipe the hard drives.
Nice. Real Nice... Around here they ultra-wipe the hard drives.

Oh, we can do that too. But then we're still left with a dead hard drive. We ensure the destruction of the data by blowing up the drive, collecting the little bits & pieces into a bucket, and then sending it to the normal recycling place. They don't care what shape the thing arrives in, they just want the material. All in all, it's a good time. :)
To have fun, I surf the Internet for medical information and post on sites like this one. Sometimes I enjoy spending time with my girlfriend. Mostly, I have no life. I'm either studying or working fire/ems somewhere.
I'm looking for a EMT job right now, so I have a ton of free time, I rock climb, mountain bike, and go to the gym. I also do some graphic design and web programming, as my life before EMS was doing that full time. I like to cook, when I can afford food that is, and I read alot, I love reading and now that I'm done with school for a year I can read something other than a textbook! I'm a fan of the movies and TV too, 24! and lost! I also like long walks on the beach...
I love doing things outdoors. Water skiing, whitewater rafting, boating, sailing, jumping off 30 ft. cliffs into water (I promise I'll make the 50 ft. one day), horseback riding, rugby, add an -ing to almost anything and I'm there.

I also love to have intelligent and stupid conversations. There is a time and need for both, especially when it's with your good friends.

Also, generally causing as much trouble as possible without getting into any is prime entertainment. :ph34r:

Actually, running TCERT is my favorite hobby. I'm a full time college student, so responding is one of the best ways to break up the monotony.
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fly fish
fix up our house
hang out with my sister
drink wine
get sassy
oh, yeah, plus i sing, and i love to play spoons. yeah, kind of funny, but i play the spoons like you wouldn't imagine...hahaha!
There's fun outside of EMS?

If I'm not travelling or chained to a desk at some client somewhere for my day job, then I'm sleeping, eating, or riding the ambulance. What's this fun thing of which you speak?
There's fun outside of EMS?

If I'm not travelling or chained to a desk at some client somewhere for my day job, then I'm sleeping, eating, or riding the ambulance. What's this fun thing of which you speak?
do you travel for fun or business?
also, do you work your day job and, then volunteer ems?