what do you guys do to stay calm?

In any ED I have worked in, you would have more luck trying to capture big foot or the Locke Ness Monster than finding a pillow.

If I did manage to find one, it would probably help to relieve stress more by giving it to a whining patient than it would relieve by wasting it launching your salivia into it.

I noticed none of the usual stress reducing behavior used by emergency workers was part of the selections. How odd.
I stay calm just from my inherent nature. It would take a lot to get me excited or fired up over something.
dunno... never been excited on a call... the more jacked the call gets... the calmer I get... it is my element and don't understand the whole "on edge" thing when it comes to emergnecies... i find IFTs and routine stuff more nerve racking because I have time to think...
As far as while on actual calls, I just pretend it's a pretend scenario and work at my own pace that lets me do everything with most efficiency quickly.

Off-duty, running, working out, meditation, sex, going out and drinking (only socially), and lying on the beach. On-duty at the station, pull-up bar, situps, push-ups, mp3 player with music, and sometimes relaxation mp3's to fall asleep after a crazy call in the middle of the night.
Probably no surprise to anyone, but I talk...talk...talk. Find someone you trust, and and have at.

You don't necessarily have to talk about anything in particular, but just an ear to listen has always been my release and it has always worked.
I have honestly never been excited at a job .... you just sort of get in and do it, that and well I attract rubbish anyway
Find the nearest coffee afterwards, was my chill down from a bad call.
Most of those I worked with, would have a cigarette as well.
Guess I'm lucky for never having started to smoke, in my younger days. lol.
We'd usually use this time to talk over the call.
(Guess we were lucky not to have to many, back to back calls, being at a rural station).
