I don't carry a gun on my 24/7 (concealed or not). However, I think if I was one of you gun nuts who insist on carrying all the time in order to use in a life or death situation only, I would absolutely carry on the job. absolutely 100%, no question about it.
The simple logic is I don't routinely go into ghettos, slums, :censored::censored::censored::censored:ty projects or any questionable area during my routine travels. I don't step foot in areas where fights just occurred, drunks are picking fights, "you'll help my grandma or I'm gonna hurt you", emotionally stressful medical calls, and if I see a crowd of people gathering, I tend to not see what they are all looking at. I'm not going to get involved, because it's none of my business. Not only that, but I don't go looking for trouble, and if I think something may be trouble some, I'm gonna avoid it.
Now, I am on the ambulance, and I'm going into all those situations I just listed. I might have PD, I might not. I might be the unlucky guy who is driving down the street and witness some gang member execute someone on the sidewalk. or I might be grabbing food in uniform, and have someone run up to me telling me that someone needs helps, and I need to help them. I can't really say "not my problem" because the truth is, it is my problem, it is my job. And I am more likely to get into a trouble situation on the job than off.
but again, I'm not a paranoid gun nut, but if I was, a simple job regulation definitely would not stop me from carrying.