What are you reading?


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I am just about to finish a good book (A Long Way Gone: Story of a Boy Soldier) and I am not sure what to pick up next...

So I thought I would ask if the EMT Life has any good book recommendations. It could be anything.

I wouldn't mind some suggestions to advance my knowledge as a provider, but some non ems book suggestions would be great as well!

So what are you reading?
Blueprints: Pediatrics
I just finished A Confederacy of Dunces, and I highly recommend it. Especially if you would like a good novel about a weird dude.

If you're more into the nonfiction, I really enjoyed The Good Soldiers. It's the account of one battalion's deployment to Iraq during the Surge.
I'm supposed to be reading From Buddy to Boss, one of the books on our promotional material.

However, after about 45 minutes of slow and agonizing torture, I typically switch over to something a little more stimulating, lately being: Medical Microbiology, Lippincott's Biochemistry, Katzung's Pharmacology, and Klein's Organic Chemistry (I've been on a chem kick lately).
I enjoy non-fiction..

I just finished Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, it's now one of my absolute favorite books. I dig true war stories, especially WW2.. I went through a rainbow of emotions while reading it; fright, excitement, anger, pity, pride, elation.

It's not often a book can do that to my emotions since I'm a frigid old hag with an icy cold heart.

Also brushing up on field manual 21-76 Army Survival..
Rereading The Gift of Fear by Gavin DeBecker this week. I highly recommend it, and consider it to be required reading for all people with a pulse.
Warriors of Fire ^_^
EMTlife.com! :)
Rereading The Gift of Fear by Gavin DeBecker this week. I highly recommend it, and consider it to be required reading for all people with a pulse.

My mom swore by this book. It helped her out a lot. Maybe I should go read it.
A Pile of stuff I wish I was not reading, This semester its:

- History of Philosophy and Sciences in Antiquity, in the middle ages and in the renaissance Volume 1.
- History of Philosophy and Sciences in Antiquity, in the middle ages and in the renaissance Volume 2.
-Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Text 1
-Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Text 2
-The Sociology of Art
-Constructing A Sociology of the Arts
-Danish as a foreign Language Text 1
-Danish as a foreign Language Text 2

In my spare time, JEMS, EMTLIFE, and some Joseph Conrad "Youth"