If I see any public official (Police,Fire, EMS) on duty, I smile to them and wave- does that make me a whacker?
Only if you use more than 1 finger. (just kidding

What are your standards for if someone is a "whacker"?
Well let's see... You might be a whacker if:
You have more radio/cell antennas on your vehicle than SETI
You have more lights on your personal vehicle than a carnival ride
You have more equipment on your belt than Batman
You know all the phone operators at Galls by voice
and they know you
Your jump bag makes your local ED doc jealous because he doesn't have all that stuff in the department
If you think "redundancy" refers to your equipment and not a patient telling you their pain is 10 everytime you ask
If a random piece of EMS equipment fails on your unit and you ask dispatch if you can swing by the station cause you have one in your personal truck you can use for the rest of the day
The military calls you for directions because your GPS is better than theirs
You have enough batteries in your flashlight to power a small New England town
You stop by an accident scene off duty and ask the guys on the rescue truck if they need to borrow some of your gear
People really can't tell the difference between your POV and an official fire department vehicle
You POV is an official FD vehicle
You get mad because you cannot order dextran to take with you and have to carry litres of NS on your camping trips
You have a fresh whole blood transfusion kit and a type and match kit just in case somebody needs a blood transfusion when you are off duty
The local EMS/Fire equipment salesman asks if he can send people over to your house to see how his stuff can be used
You use your portable or Ham radio to give patient information to the guys responding to a call when you are off duty
You cancel/return early from your vacation to jump a call in your district
You jump a call while on vacation in a district out of state or country
You actually brought the equipment to do the former
and it is better than what the locals have
Instead of telling people on the forum who ask what the best pants, boots, socks, condoms, etc are you simply give them the SKU number in the Galls catalog
You have a different Littmann stethoscope for every day or mood
You didn't know there are people who manufacture stethoscopes under a different name than Littmann
You have a Littmann Master Cardiology stethoscope but do not know how to listen to heart tones or what they mean
You have a stethoscope made out of Gold, Platinum or some other metal more commonly used as jewelery
The only Apps on your Iphone are medical in nature
You actually read the PDR for enjoyment
(i'll think of a few more later)