Well, this is no good


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A horrible atrocity has just been committed. medic417 and 8jimi, you have 2-6 weeks to find a location outside of Texas to live.

I'm an NREMT-Paramedic.
A horrible atrocity has just been committed. medic417 and 8jimi, you have 2-6 weeks to find a location outside of Texas to live.

I'm an NREMT-Paramedic.

Congrats!!! How difficult was the registry written? Its a long ride, but well worth it huh? I hope follow in your footsteps in August.
Congrats man! I'm hoping to redo my medic shortly upon moving to CO tomorrow :)
A horrible atrocity has just been committed. medic417 and 8jimi, you have 2-6 weeks to find a location outside of Texas to live.

I'm an NREMT-Paramedic.

One day I will own that red patch.... I shall pace everyone and there mom when I do so!
Yes, a most horrible event has occurred. Should we now run for the hills?

A horrible atrocity has just been committed. medic417 and 8jimi, you have 2-6 weeks to find a location outside of Texas to live.

I'm an NREMT-Paramedic.

ummmm....you forgot me. That's okay though. I've already fled. :P

So now I gotta go to D-FW to have my MI?

How inconsiderate of you!
Way to go!B)
One year from now I'd love you to look over some of your recent Posts and then check in with us to report on your dream vs. the reality.

Congrats and Good Fortune!
It's a good thing I'm in Indiana...

Just kidding! Congrats!!!!!
Knew you had it in you bro!
Dang. I thought I'd be cool and dig up something dumb you've said, but I can only get back to Nov 2009. Not that you didn't say anything dumb in that time period, but I wanted to really dig deep.
Nicely done sir!
Congrats bro!

And remember: If you don't have it or can't figure it out, don't give up, Improvise, Adapt, Overcome and then call for a BLS unit.


Good job man.:beerchug::beerchug::beerchug:
Mazel tov!!!