Wearing uniform off duty?


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I just got hired at this company. They basically told us just do not go to bars, or buy alcohol, or do anything stupid while wearing their uniform that represents their company. The only part of the uniform that shows their company name is on the shirt. Why I'm posting this is because I have a shift 7pm-7am next week. And that following day I have class at 7:30 am, and the school is pretty close to the station. I was planning going straight to class right after the shift. BUT... I was thinking maybe I should bring an extra t shirt or something and change it in my car before I go into class? Or just sit in class with my uniform on? I didn't know if I mattered, I do see nurses or hospital workers in class with their scrubs on, but that doesn't have their company name on it.
You answered your own question by what you've seen others wear. I'd do what they do. It's doesn't take long to change shirts.
I would jut bring a spare shirt or wear a tshirt under your uniform. I've sat through class in uniform before and not been a fan. A few of the hosemoneys in my prereq classes wore theirs to 'impress the chicks' or some **** like that, but it seemed like a childish thing to do
It doesn't matter because you will get a late call and not make it to class anyways.

But seriously, if the rule is don't wear your uniform off duty then don't do it. How hard is it to change a shirt?
It takes what, 30 seconds to change shirt, pants, and throw a pair of shoes or sandals on? Just change at the station after your shift real quick
It doesn't matter because you will get a late call and not make it to class anyways.

But seriously, if the rule is don't wear your uniform off duty then don't do it. How hard is it to change a shirt?
They never said we couldn't. Just don't go out and get drunk or look like a fool while wearing it, but anyway I don't want to be looked at or asked questions because im in a uniform so I'll probably do what others suggested and change.
Sitting in class I don't think would be an issue. You aren't representing your company in a bad way. That being said, just wear a very light weight shirt underneath it and then take the uniform shirt off when you are done and that solves the problem.
Our uniforms are a department t-shirt, and a police-style button-down shirt over-top, and 5.11 taclite pants. I have class about 40 minutes before my shift starts sometimes. I just swap to everything but the button down before my last class. I'll wear my uniform if I need to stop somewhere after work briefly, such as to pick up groceries. No point in stripping to get gas. Otherwise, I don't want to see my work uniform outside of work.
Depends on his personality. I personally couldn't care less what someone thought if I wore work clothes to class because I was going straight to work once it let out. I have taken class with Army guys who sometimes came to class in uniform because they were coming/going to something. Nobody says anything and most people really don't care.
Depends on his personality. I personally couldn't care less what someone thought if I wore work clothes to class because I was going straight to work once it let out. I have taken class with Army guys who sometimes came to class in uniform because they were coming/going to something. Nobody says anything and most people really don't care.
Yea, there is a guy in my class who wears his full army outfit all time also, but I'll probably swap shirts if I can.
I would jut bring a spare shirt or wear a tshirt under your uniform. I've sat through class in uniform before and not been a fan. A few of the hosemoneys in my prereq classes wore theirs to 'impress the chicks' or some **** like that, but it seemed like a childish thing to do
That's just stupid.
Seems to me that you are looking for a reason to actually wear the uniform while saying that you don't. Just change your shirt before class.
I showed up in uniform to this class and let me tell you it was a huge mistake


I guess since I'm an EMT I'll have to go Pole level 5 (Siren class). I so badly want to be a sexy siren, but there's no way I could pull those moves off in my 5.11 pants.

As for the OP, just wear your undershirt to class. There are times when you need to do something after work and changing isn't an option, but if you know you have class every week on certain days, just go in your undershirt or bring a change of clothes.

Sometimes I'll forget my shoes and shorts when I go to the gym after work. Even in my undershirt, I feel super weird stomping around the gym in my boots.
Why not just change at work? I really love having going to work in shorts and sandals
Always keep a go-bag in your car with a change of clothes, sneakers/shoes and a few personal necessities. That way you will always be prepared.
Voting for change of top in the car. As a tech I work in scrubs, so if I am meeting family for dinner after work or something I just take my top off and leave my black underarmour undershirt on (I wear them loose so its not as obnoxious as it sounds). Used scrubs are nasty, especially at dinner or hours in class.
I try to avoid wearing my uniform off duty because I do not want to act off the clock. I have been asked two very stupid questions while in uniform, but off work and running errands on my way home:

"There is a cactus spine stuck in my groin and it keeps hitting my ****, what should I do?"
"My wife's feet and ankles are swelling, and every time she stands up she done falls out, but wakes right up again. What do you think is causing that?"

Needless to say, I always change my shirt now - Even if I just need to buy milk at the grocery store on the way home. It is far easier than dealing with people's crap for no pay.
Stupidly stopped at target in my paramedic school uniform today and got asked where to find and what kind of CO detectors were best.

I need to get blank navy t shirts, usually I wear work t shirts under uniform shirts. Oops.