We got the Blackbox - Good / Bad?


I put the M in EMTLife
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We now have devices in our units that when we get in we flash our ID by the box and it logs us in. Throughout the entire shift it logs EVERYTHING. Light / Siren usage. Brakes, turn signals, G Forces, speed, brake pressure. Then at the end we drive by the station and it uploads all the info to a computer. These records are part of our CQI record we get every month.

In addition, it will also give an audible tone if we're going too fast, braking too fast, or possibly throwing people around in the back. That might not be too bad :)

Anyone hear of this before? Any comments?
You should go out to the middle of no-where, turn on the lights and siren, do some doughnuts and turn the bus back in. See what they say the next day.
hmm I guess this is BIG BROTHER in a box......

and when you are called into the office... to explain why you use the brakes the way you did... 3 months ago at 21:57 hours...

the only place i can see this is useful is you are part of a MVA.. and what you did might be in question..
MVA's and citizen complaints....

Also, really nice to have proof when another employee walks in and says "What does BLS 14 have?" And you say - so and so dialysis on the other end of town, and I say "really, cause they just passed me up te street driving like MANIACS running Class 1 heading towards a trauma center...."

And you say - no, couldn't be... uh... TED! (supervisor) and supervisor has the crew swear up and down on the phone that they are "2 minutes away" because of bad traffic. And No, they aren't running lights... and becuase the driver is a B*$ch, and you don't really care about what she thinks, when the supervisor asks "are you sure it was 14", you say yeah... "The Destroy-Miller Type II with orange and white with blue trim, with our name on the side, and a "14" on the front hood." Becuase I saw it pass me on my transit bus on the way in....

theyre great for the bosses. they can figure out who is driving the rigs real hard, running w/light and sirens when they shouldnt be, speeding and what not

as far as the employee's: if they operate in a resonable and proper manner;proper speed limit and transport priority, accelerate and brank properly and all that, theres nothing to worry about.

if however, your one of the maniacs behind the wheel, your in trouble. some services will consider reckless driving ground for immediate termination. even if you disregard the danger to the crew and public, that kind of driving causes excessive wear and tear on the rig. brakes dont last as long, suspension partns wear out quicker. even without an accident, your costing the company/servide a boatload of money

so, wheteher you think theyre evil or grand depends on which side of the big desk you sit on.
Originally posted by MMiz@Jun 9 2005, 04:52 AM
Throughout the entire shift it logs EVERYTHING.
Does it know when you stopped to take a s...... use the facilities and will it wipe?
truckers went through this crap....
It wouldn't like being watched so closely. I don't think it would be a big problem for me becuase I try to drive conciensously anyway. But I know a few that drive like Mario Andretti so that could be interesting.
I know of one company that has these... they have to check the LED to say that it is good to go, and the lot attendant checks it in the evening...

Managment likes it, insurance likes it...
They added GPS to our rigs today... now they know where we are at all times, and even how fast we're going. Ahhh Big brother.