Vote To Help Get Grant for this free first Responder Spanish Course

Good ideal. I've voted the past couple of days.
I've also been voting and am now taking the lessons... What a GREAT idea.
Way to go guys. So often we hear no one appreciates us in EMS now someone is showing appreciation. Lets show we appreciate the efforts to give something back to us.
Way to go guys. So often we hear no one appreciates us in EMS now someone is showing appreciation. Lets show we appreciate the efforts to give something back to us.

Just voted today again. Looks like they are going backwards though. More EMS need to vote or what is free may be lost.
voted *and shared it on my facebook account*
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Just voted they are now at 118.
Thats what it looks like. We'll have to push hard if they are to win. But like everything EMS no way we can unify and do it.
Perhaps setting up a thread at other EMS forums?

Hey not a bad ideal. You on any other sites? I read some other sites but have yet to join.
I just voted and put it on my Facebook as well.
Well looks like we are not getting them enough votes. They have slid back to 120.
Wow they have slid to 128.
Will they continue their lessons, even without the funding?
I think they might have entered into too competitive a bracket, they're competing with much larger corporations and researches.