Volunteer incentive programs


Forum Captain
Volunteer Agencies

This post is really for volunteer ems...

i know many volly agencies have 'reward' programs, i.e. $50 gas cards for a certain number of trips to the hospital, etc...

i would like to know if your volunteer agency has any of these type programs...



Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Since our average run time from dispatch to back in quarters is 3-4 hours, our department buys any member who makes the trip all the way into the hospital a meal. They leave a department credit card in the rig, and we all go to eat.

In addition, we're assigned a certain number of points for each call. Standby, on scene, training and transport are each worth a certain number of points. At the end of the year, the district commissioners assign a dollar value to each point and we receive a check for that amount just before Christmas.


Forum Lieutenant
50¢ credit to the uniform store per hour of work, plus a couple bucks meal/coffee reimbursement.


Forum Lieutenant
We don't, unfortunately.


Forum Crew Member
we get a legnth of service award program for each month after your prob. period you get 50 dollars a month in a "retirement" fund


Forum Crew Member
ya'll are lucky we have a 3-4 hour run time per call,and have to drive to the station each time tones drop (we don't use shifts like he REMS volunteer squad in the next county), and we get nothin'


Forum Captain
We get 10.00 per run and that's only if we complete a run. IE, actual take a patient to the hospital. If we have a patient refusal or we show up on - scene when 'additional personnell requested' then we don't get anything. We also get 10.00 if we come in and sit second out (IE, first rig goes to a call and volunteers needed for second out rig) even if we don't get a call. Of course if we do get a call then we get the 10.00 run pay AND the 10.00 second out pay.

ki4mus, I pitty you all. Is there ANY incentive for you all to do it other then job satisfaction?


Forum Captain
In addition, we're assigned a certain number of points for each call. Standby, on scene, training and transport are each worth a certain number of points. At the end of the year, the district commissioners assign a dollar value to each point and we receive a check for that amount just before Christmas.
Ooooooohhhhhh! Hey, I really like that idea. I might have to suggest that as an improvement at our station.


Forum Deputy Chief
We have a set amount that is according to District protocols a "reimbursement for expenses incurred during the performance of volunteer duties' It varies depending on rank but is around $8 a call. We also get paid right before Christmas.


Forum Crew Member
we love what we do, and it is a small town (people wise, but over a large area) so someone on the squad is most likely either friends with, or related to the patent in some way or another.


Forum Deputy Chief
We also have a yearly contribution into a state funded retirement system. Also, any call lasting over 4 hours is listed as two calls and we are reimbursed 2x.

We do have some issues with the way the district reimburses us though. Currently, the board passed a resolution determining that this is a reimbursement and not wages, however, the amount paid to us is reported on a W-2. This is because we get conflicting answers from different government agencies regarding the classification of the payment.


Forum Captain
We do get reimbursed for our calls..I think its 25 or 30ish per call I can't keep track cuz they keep changing it. Other Squads here get points which turn into christmas script type money they can use locally. And others don't get much of anything.

I have mixed feelings on getting so much for reimbursment. Also with reimbursments you have to turn it in for taxes unless the peoples reimbursing you turn in a paper for taxes. Which is something people don't always remember or know about but its something to check into.

But yeah Reimbursment can be good but it can also be bad.


Forum Crew Member
This has been a topic that has recently gotten brought up in our department because of a lack of interest; rather a lack of involvement. We currently have 13 active EMT's (BLS) and 6 CFR's. We average about 200 EMS calls yearly. Although our call volume isn't the highest most of our calls happen during the day time- this becomes problematic because most of our medics work day shifts.

Anyways we currently don't have a reimbursment program. We are volunteer for a reason. I am young but when I was growing up I was instilled with tyhe concept of community involvement and pride. I think that as times have changed that the current population has lost that sense of comrodery that used to be so important in the past.

I have noticed that people will enter the FD thinking that they will get rewarded for their efforts and time contributed but when they don't they get upset and leave.

If we could focus on our purpose and comrodery I think it will be more enjoyable for everyone and the reward would be the sense of acomplishment, friendships and not some type of incentive or money.

We are too money hungry...



Forum Deputy Chief
There's been a huge shift in attitude regarding volunteerism. I see more volunteers coming in looking for what they can get out of it (free training, get to drive lights and sirens, experience to put on a resume etc.) instead of what they can do for their community.

Agencies have to maintain the same level of training and certification as private or civic, while not paying wages. So the investment on the part of the volunteer and the agency is higher.


Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
I see more volunteers coming in looking for what they can get out of it (free training, get to drive lights and sirens, experience to put on a resume etc.) instead of what they can do for their community.

What is the problem with EMTs coming into volunteer positions to gain expierence AND help the community? I see volunteering (and working) as a two way street. While I have never been compensated formally from volunteering, I am still new, and still learning from every patient contact I have. I have decided to volunteer where have mainly because of my love of the community (and country) and interest in helping, but also because it is an incredible opportunity to gain experience. I am also not going to say that I have taking nothing from the training. The person who taught my MCI lecture (and entire FR course) has worked at 45 separate scenes and been the incident commander for at least twenty. He teaches courses to on MCI management to graduate level EMS students. And yes, I do hope to put this on my resume.


Forum Crew Member
Research and know your state laws. For example in Texas, volunteer firefighters are covered, by law, with a $250,000 life insurance policy when responding to incidents, IF AND ONLY IF there is NO compensation.

I can assure you that the state would see even a $5 per incident to cover gas as compensation and refuse payment.

If you accept any compensation at all know what you may be giving up for that.


Forum Crew Member
This is my first post. :)

I hear NY State will give me $200 off my income tax this year for being a volunteer EMT. That should just about cover my personal gas going to and from calls and training in my own car.


Forum Asst. Chief
For the volunteers out there, what kind of pecuniary volunteer incentives do you receive? Where I volunteer, our county just allocated a lot of money to create a volunteer incentive program and we’re looking for creative ways to spend it. Our goal is to recruit more people and simultaneously give people an incentive to continue their education and training to the highest levels. Developing future leaders is also a very high priority. We’re obviously looking at tuition reimbursement, scholarships, live-in programs, etc. We would also like to use the money to help provide people access to our county health care insurance plan. Other considerations include cost of living reimbursements, gasoline reimbursements, etc, basically ways of making volunteering as cost neutral as possible. If you have any ideas or experience with this, I love to read about it!