Verified EMT/Paramedic

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Here's my thought on the matter:

Anyone who would join this forum is either an EMT, a Paramedic, an EMT-B, I or EMT-P in school and use this for help getting through class such as myself, another emergency servicemen (Fire, PD), or a 15 year old kid who is interested in being an EMT and afraid to come off like a little know nothing.

At what point should we become and feel so "elite", that it closes its doors to any good natured person willing to speak their mind, ask a question or learn more?

Quite frankly, everybody here obeys the HIPAA law which is the biggest thing anyone here should be worried about the public reading.

Validity.. what a joke.

While I do not think it is necessary. I think everyone is reading the OP's post wrong. I do not think he meant that this was needed for joining the forum. I think he meant that this would be an extra feature that would let new people know who is for real.

As has been pointed out. You can look at the people who have been here a while and know who is for real. Posers do not last long on here, they get weeded out pretty quickly.
Here's my thought on the matter:

Anyone who would join this forum is either an EMT, a Paramedic, an EMT-B, I or EMT-P in school and use this for help getting through class such as myself, another emergency servicemen (Fire, PD), or a 15 year old kid who is interested in being an EMT and afraid to come off like a little know nothing.

At what point should we become and feel so "elite", that it closes its doors to any good natured person willing to speak their mind, ask a question or learn more?

Quite frankly, everybody here obeys the HIPAA law which is the biggest thing anyone here should be worried about the public reading.

Validity.. what a joke.
Again, you completely miss my point.

Im tired of snarky responses. Hidden hostilities in posts just increase tensions on this forum. Everybody here needs an in-service on how to avoid passive-aggressive underpinnings in their posts. Yes that includes me. I think if we could master that, a lot less debated topics would end in locking of the threads.

I am asking for intelligent reasons why we should or should not have verified EMT tags for users with licenses or certification in Emergency medical services, like they do on

I never once said that I am for this idea, I am bringing it up for debate so that it may be debated.
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I do not think it should be necessary to have the EMT's and Paramedics to be validated like they do for the LEO's on Here there is a much more relaxed environment. We can tell the posters who are posers and ones who are not. On they have a specific section to ask LEO's questions and this is the main reason for the officers to be validated. They also have a section just for sworn LEO's to post and respond. They do this because of the "cop-haters" and also to try and limit the amount of misinformation. I don't believe we need that here. The moderators to a great enough job to keep that kind of nonsense off the forum. We also have some great forum members with a lot of knowledge and real life experience to help you with questions and also to point out the posers.
I honestly don't like the idea. Let this be a free OPEN online forum, whether or not you're a verified EMT/Paramedic.

I understand the cops do it (their forums), but I feel there is more to their field of work more often than not than ours that needs open information (freely at least). The 'robber' posing on the cop forums to find how to break into the Louvre to get the Mona Lisa is more of a threat than knowing when my ambulance is parked next to the dunkin' doughnuts.
----if that made any sense ;)

That's Dunkin' Donuts amigo
And I am against giving any PII on the internet
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I never once said that I am for this idea, I am bringing it up for debate so that it may be debated.

I am guessing your for the idea since its your idea that you brought up for debate. Seems a little odd that you bring up something you oppose. Your not going to bring up an idea that you plan to shoot down in the debate.
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I think this one's been discussed enough...thread closed.
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