Vegas AMR/Medicwest

Transport jockey there are a couple options for paramedic school CSN, lvapec, are a couple big ones there are also a couple small ones that I have not heard about as often. I will be joining lvapec program in October. Can't wait for the class to start.
Transport jockey there are a couple options for paramedic school CSN, lvapec, are a couple big ones there are also a couple small ones that I have not heard about as often. I will be joining lvapec program in October. Can't wait for the class to start.

Congrats, I hope it all works out for you!!
Did you get hired straight on a 911 ambulance or did you have to do special events and how long, also how do you like it out there?

I will be out here a year in August. I did 7 or 8 months events/ILS and now work 911
Transport jockey there are a couple options for paramedic school CSN, lvapec, are a couple big ones there are also a couple small ones that I have not heard about as often. I will be joining lvapec program in October. Can't wait for the class to start.

I've heard stories of medic school there. Luckily as I'm a medic already I don't need to worry about it.
I have an interview/testing session with MWA in September. Any tips from the people who have been through it?

Also, what constitutes a "new medic?" I've been a P for 9 months, and have 3.5 years of volunteer B/I experience.
Theres a few threads on this site that cover the MWA/AMR testing process that were pretty helpful. I'll be there in Sept. as well. See you then.
I'm bold...

I hit this one too

Anyways--- yeah. I work in LV. So hit me up with any more questions.

They must have made a lot of changes in the last few years because that contradicts everything that I've ever heard from the multiple coworkers I've talked to that came from Vegas. Great post though, definitely lots of good info! MW used to run 4 on 3 off 3 on 4 off apparently not anymore.

I don't just come out and say where I work but I will say I work as a medic full time. in the only other high performance urban system in the state :)

I've always wanted to come ride a shift down there but idk if I'd be willing to give up my night in Vegas for it...
I don't just come out and say where I work but I will say I work as a medic full time. in the only other high performance urban system in the state :)

Your system is the worst kept "secret" on this site. That's ok, we won't out you ;)
Your system is the worst kept "secret" on this site. That's ok, we won't out you ;)

Yours isn't much better. :lol:

It wouldn't be so easy to figure out if I lived in a state that had more people in it hah
Yeah, I agree with that. How about a state with more than three ground paramedic systems?
Yeah, I agree with that. How about a state with more than three ground paramedic systems?

We technically have more than three... Just a bunch of little hospital based ones or the random FDs.
How's Fallon?
How's Fallon?

Slow. Lol. Lots of transfers to Reno. They've got nice rigs though and from what I'm told they can take basically anything provided a doc writes an order for it. They're hospital based just like Humboldt.


Been watching waiting for them to open for PRN. Humboldt would be cool too but you have to have an address in Humboldt County and I refuse to move out there. Be sweet though, I'm pretty sure they do all their own rescue and extrication but don't quote me.
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We have a medic that transferred to our shop from our "other" shop that does IFT and nursing home emergencies. We do about 35,000 calls a year between 911 and IFT, they do significantly less. He went to Vegas AMR for an interview and was told to get experience at a busier shop (they specifically mention ours for some reason).

Strangely, as robb said, we do the same amount of business when you break It down to calls per unit.

Thats the extent of my Vegas AMR knowledge.