Are you (Paramedics) making the actual appointments?
Yes, or we call and tell the agency what we have then put patient on line to make final arrangements.
Are you able to do an official insurance (private, state or Federal) referral form?
If patient requires that at this time we help them get it from their doctor or a clinic.
Or, are the patients given a generic phone number to an agency that then puts them through a maze of unanswered extensions?
We do provide people with a list beyond doing the above as many people are unaware of the various services provided whether medical or even financial. It is obviously many posters statements on this and other forums that most Paramedics and emt's have no clue what their areas have available.
How much time are you allowed with each patient for a thorough assessment, filling out the appropriate referral forms and making the agency contacts as well as arranging for alternative transport?
We stay until finished if critical need. If it is not critical need we may leave for another call and then return to finish helping.
Taxi vouchers? Wheel chair van vouchers? Who pays and where does the additional funding come from?
We do not provide these. We do give them information about various government, church, paid, and other services in the area. A big government one for Medicaid patients is the medical transportation funds which will pay them to drive themselves or pay a friend to take them, or pay a taxi, bus, even plane if needed.
Any studies done as to how long between the time the patient sees you and the clinic or other agency?
No actual study but anytime I have called a service they have gotten them worked in immediately or if not emergent first business day.
Are you (Paramedics) able to do nutrition and diabetic counseling after fixing that "little glucose problem"?
We do some very basic counseling but we primarily do the above, that is help them get into proper service for help needed.
Are you able to prescribe medications or recommend OTC meds?
Actually we can recommend OTC meds. We also can treat and have them follow up with their doctor. Another service actually carrys 3 day supplies of meds that they give the patient and then schedules a follow up with a doctor or clinic for them to get the rest of the prescription filled.
How much wound care knowledge do you have for educating the patient?
Again we only provide basic advice on wound care but help them again as above get scheduled with proper service.
How much in depth education do you have for teaching patients about their illnesses?
At present again we only provide basic advice on illness but help them again as above get scheduled with proper service.
Are you following the triage guidelines suggested by EMTALA even though it does not necessarily apply to prehospital situations but does address many questions for the proper level of care?
Good question. I am not sure if that is what current protocols are based on.