I know a guy who knows a guy.
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My service likes to buy gizmos and toys. Under the heading of "useless stuff that I thought would be cool" is the temperature sensor that comes with our LP15s.
This is a little sticky, silver, heart-shaped item that plugs into the life pack 15 to measure skin temperature. I thought this would be a godsend, compared to the temp strips that we carried prior. Not so much. They either read ridiculously high or ridiculously low.
Oh well. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
What does your service carry that you thought would be a great idea until you tried to use it?
This is a little sticky, silver, heart-shaped item that plugs into the life pack 15 to measure skin temperature. I thought this would be a godsend, compared to the temp strips that we carried prior. Not so much. They either read ridiculously high or ridiculously low.
Oh well. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
What does your service carry that you thought would be a great idea until you tried to use it?