How can the pt be in asystole, have a pulse, and still be seizing? Something doesn't add up.
If the patient is not in asystole and is still having seizures, I am able to give Versed intranasally. Get the seizing under control, control the airway and ventilate the patient. Look for causes of the bradycardia and seizures and address those issues that can begin to be addressed in the field, including drug OD, electrolyte imbalances, hypovolemia, or septic shock. This patient is also hypoglycemic, which needs to be addressed, preferably with D-50. If IV access still cannot be obtained, consider glucagon, knowing that it will take longer to work - and that is if the patient has the stores in their liver to begin with.
If the patient is truly in asystole, then CPR, secure an airway and bag patient, epi and atropine. Two rounds of drugs, and then call the hospital for orders to stop resussitative efforts. If IV access is impossible to get, consider an IO. Look for reversible causes, but not much else you can do. Asystole is not a shockable rhythm, and the ER is going to call the patient shortly after you get there. No reason to transport a dead body, putting everyone at unnecesary risk during an emergent transport.