Folks if someone says something that is incorrect feel free to correct them but let's do it in a friendly, professional way. There are those who have lot's of info and experience and those who have little. The one's who have little will stop listening if you slap them down for giving the wrong answer. Eventually they stop trying to answer and then they stop trying to learn. I am disappointed with the tone of some of the posts in this thread.
I think there is some residual anghst from the last thread on giving narcan to EMT-Bs.
After pages of why it should or shouldn't be permitted, a few posts here basically unwittingly proved the point on why basics don't need more tricks in their bag.
In my initial response, I did phrase the question because I wanted to hear the reason for the answer. I expected 1 of 2
1. Because my instructor told me.
2. "just in case"
As an interesting anecdote I was having lunch with a Dr. last year during a PALS class we were teaching.
This Dr. and I do not see eye to eye on just about anything, but we can tolerate each other and work well together.
During the meal he brought up a good point I think is worth sharing in this thread.
The new students saw us instructors as the absolute authority on the topic by virtue of nothing more than our instructor title.
The next time they take a PALS class, they will challenge their "new" instructors if they relate anything in contra to what we said.
They have absolutely no way to judge a competent instructor from a poor one other than how the instructor makes them feel.
If you make them feel good, they will say you are a good instructor no matter how little they learned.
If you make them feel bad, they say that you were terrible no matter how much they learned.
But they still have no idea who is competent and who is not.