Unfortunately, I have seen plenty of folks who think their CCEMTP patch makes them a bona-fide transport intensivist, and it's dangerous for patients and disrespectful of those who have put in the time to gain the experience to really know what they are doing.
If that is true, it is a recent change and also very unfortunate, IMO. It would likely raise the cost of the course significantly and would definitely make them harder to coordinate, with no guarantee of any improvement in quality. Some of the best teachers of this stuff are RN's, RRT's, and flight paramedics.
For whatever my opinion is worth, I really don't recommend CCEMTP or similar courses for anyone who isn't immediately going into critical care transport. The reason is simple: They don't provide nearly enough education for you to really
learn the material, and if you don't reinforce what you learned with ongoing CCT education and by using it everyday, you just won't retain it. Personally, I would spend my time and money on other education.
One course that I do recommend is
Fundamental Critical Care Support by the SCCM. It is not transport-specific, but it covers all the major critical care topics with a focus on the first 24 hours of management. It is two days long and I really think for most people, you'll get just as much out of this as you would a two-week CCEMTP course.