Forum Lieutenant
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This was the start of my day today, my first day working as a medic with an EMT (rather than another medic...just "released" from the FTO). We had a quiet morning up until a little after 11. Then this call came in as an "unknown problem" call with a woman screaming that something was wrong with her baby. We arrived on scene and the woman all but threw the baby at my partner (thankfully, a great EMT with several years of experience). The baby was pale and honestly we both thought she was dead when we first saw her. She had a red abrasion on the right side of her head, covering the temporal and parietal regions of her cranium. No crepitus anywhere on her head or neck. Raccoon eyes already present, dried blood in both nostrils. She didn't respond to much of anything. She did move her arms and legs spontaneously every now and then, and she did make some little noises. No spontaneous eye opening. Manually held c-spine, did an IO in the left proximal tibia (aspirated well, flushed well, baby's movement increased when flushed so gave her 20 mg Lidocaine), monitor, 15 L O2 NRB, towel behind back and shoulders to maintain open airway, immobilized head and spine. Transported emergency to level I trauma center (20 minutes away). I hung saline and got about 75 cc in before the left leg started swelling D/C'd the fluid to reassess the IO. Unable to determine patency of IO, so resecured IO and looked for IV. Unable to find IV. Baby's BP was 118/80, pulse 220, respirations 30, oxygen saturation 100% on 15L. Sinus tach on monitor. Pupils ERRL, approximately 2 mm. Gaze was deviated to left upon arrival to trauma center. Gave my report and baby was moved to CT within 10 minutes of arrival. Haven't been able to get an update yet. She didn't look good from my point of view and the dr agreed. Very sad day. Apparently an older child was trying to put a DVD into the DVD player and climbed up on the tv stand. The tv was one of the old-style, very heavy types. About 32" and sat 3 feet above the floor.