Tricks of staying alert and awake?


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Anybody know of any tricks of the trade to stay alert and awake while on the job?

Caffeine and ample rest should be obvious.

Any secrets out there would be appreciated!

stay busy. play little games. make sure to get up and move around every once in a while.
I'm a volley, so whenever I am in the ambulance we are either training or on a call, so there really isn't any time that I would have to worry about falling asleep.

At my real job I sometimes have to sit through fairly boring meetings, most of which I am not doing anything but sitting there. If I find myself in danger of falling asleep, I sometimes put my tongue between my teeth, and if I start to nod off, I end up biting down just hard enough to get my attention.
try some mild cardio, like jumping jacks while not on a run? anything that involves movement or speeding up the heart keeps me going.

or even little snacks

turn the music up loud and dance
A nap does me wonders. To prevent myself from seeming like I'm being sarcastic. I'm talking power naps. If I can pass out for about 10-20 minutes, I usually wake myself up abruptly andwhen I do I get a 'second wind' kind of thing going.
this topic was disscussed in an earlier thread... search anyone???
Proper sleep is the key to being alert and awake.
Eat properly too.

See what eating pattern drowses you out and avoid it. Also, you might find a substancial snack may help. Finally, often when we are "tired" we are also bored, change up your routine, get a little mental stimulation (in a departmentally approved fashion, of course).
Finally, last resort, STAND UP.
How bouscare yourself awake after running a RED LIGHT while driving with one eye open and the other one resting. It works for me...:blush:
a kick to the balls usually does it.
I go to the bathroom and splash some water from the sink on my face. That usually does the trick.
Or... the safer alternative... LET YOUR PARTNER DRIVE WHILE YOU GET SOME REST.
I usually just take cat naps anytime I can coffee etc does not do it for cat naps power naps etc...
5 laps around the rig :]
I've heard that an old trucker trick is to drink a cup of coffee, then take a nap. The caffine takes 30 mins to begin working, so by napping during that time, you get the best of both.

As you can tell by the "I've heard....", I have no evidence to support this, so take it for what it's worth.
Proper sleep is the key to being alert and awake.

Plus 1. If you are having trouble staying awake, go out of service and go home. Don't risk people's lives because you're tired and next time come to work better prepared for your shift.

It is dangerous to drive tired like some are describing (running redlights because you're basically sleeping at the wheel??? Are you freaking kidding!?)
Plus 1. If you are having trouble staying awake, go out of service and go home. Don't risk people's lives because you're tired and next time come to work better prepared for your shift.

It is dangerous to drive tired like some are describing (running redlights because you're basically sleeping at the wheel??? Are you freaking kidding!?)

+1 from me as well. Though there's a difference between "*Yawn* Wow, it's been a long shift..." and "Wow! Look at the pretty pink elephants in the road!" :)
I personally believe coffee is an evil and toxic brew that should be avoided at all costs so I ...

1. Get lots of sleep
2. Drink plenty of water
3. A good balanced diet
4. Do some mild cardio; work Mini-Anne for a couple minutes