I have a 77y/o Female. We were called for weakness, difficulty breathing, abd pain. She has been feeling weak and has had the abd pain for approx. 1 week. She does not remember when her last bowel movement was and has been vomiting for the past couple of days. She also has COPD. Her lung sounds there was some wheezes present. Pt has not ate anything in the past couple of day either. Pt is 130 Sinus Tach. Pt had labored breathing at 22x min. Pulse OX 83% via a NC at 4lpm. 12 lead was negative and a blood glucose was 90 mg/dL. PT was AO X3 for the whole transport. Also pt rated her pain a 10/10 very tender upon palpation. Her first pressure was 97/79. I have an approx. 7 Min transport time. I started a breathing treatment, IV (18GA). Upon my arrival to the ED her pressure had fallen to 74/42. I did not place her in a trendlenbug position due to her COPD. Her next pressure while in the ED was 62/44. The ER nurse decided to yell at me that her breathing was not an issue and I should of for went the treatment and placed in in trendlenburg position. My belief was that there is no clinical proof that the trendlenburg position was effective and I wanted to correct her breathing problem before she went in to respiratory arrest. Also her pressures didn't start dropping until we were already in the ED. I am just wondering what should or could I of done different.