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Possible violation of Policy 2055.07 Section IV B:We transported. Level 1 trauma 5 miles away. Who knows when als will arrive. Trauma doc said we did good, trauma nurse pissed because we didnt wait for als, complained to company, filed charges with state. I have yet to find a protocol we broke. Sac county only mentions max 10 minutes on scene, txp to trauma center. She could have delivered a viable baby, not to mention internal injuries. co. put us on unpaid leave for violating protocol, but the co. has no protocol for this issue.
Agreed we had pt interest in mind, everyone but one nurse says we did the right thing, from nicu nurses,bc's trauma md.
Our protocol is stop and render aid to anyone who may need it.
Hospital was told we were txp code3 bls. Gave no orders. Disp told we were txp code 3 bls gave no orders.
There is no provision for BLS to accept orders from any Base Hospital except perhaps for destination decision when in Round Robin. IMHO, the right thing was done... another issue is that ED RNs aren't used to BLS crews transporting to an ED. By and large, all they see is Paramedics doing all the transporting. If the SRFECC wasn't contacted by YOUR UNIT at the outset of the incident... you might have a problem. In the end, you'll most likely be OK with the County, considering the circumstances. Your company will most likely let you go or try to just to keep the nurses happy so they'll use your company's services... Chances are they won't back you at all.If no EMS responders are on scene and the on-viewing unit is not enroute to
another emergency, or not transporting a patient, the crew of that unit must stop
and render aid including transport, if appropriate, or wait until other EMS
resources arrive.