Top 20 frivolous Calls


Forum Crew Member
Called out for a 24 y/o f complaining of having a miscarriage. Doing my assessment and asked how far along in the pregnancy she was, she said she was 2 weeks but she hadn't done a test yet, she just knows.
So then I asked her how many pads she's soaked and she told me "oh just one in about 8 hours"
Apparently it was a relationship going down the tubes and she decided she was pregnant to keep her boyfriend... gotta love it


Forum Chief
Don't endanger my life, my partner's life and all the other drivers' lives on the road while we run code 3 for a call like this. .

Just to point out, driving with lights and sirens does not mean you have to go too fast for conditions. It does not mean that you have to proceed through a red light, it doesn't require you to drive left of center or the opposite way down a one way street.

Because a person calls 911 does not mean it is safe, prudent, or beneficial to respond in an emergent manner, particularly in adverse driving conditions.

If you do, it is you who puts your life at risk, not the caller.
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Community Leader Emeritus
My all-time favorite went pretty much like this:

Called to a motor vehicle accident at an intersection. Clearly no more than a fender bender. Car #1, everyone inside, calm, but a little shook, no signs of injury. Outside of Car #2 (driver's door open), a woman is in the street, bending over, howling in pain, "My NECK!!" She goes to her knees. On my approach I look into the car to see if there's anyone else. Nope, no one, but sitting on the back seat was an uncovered, unwrapped flat of 18, undamaged, untouched, perfectly aligned, raw EGGS!

I think it was the first time "I" refused transport!

I believe that is referred to as "my neck, my back, my new Cadillac."


Forum Crew Member
Had one just today, actually. Elderly female calls and says she fell. We get there, she's sitting in her recliner, feet propped up, comfy as can be. Says she fell a week prior, but probably needs to go to a nursing home because it still hurt. She also told us they gave her a brace to wear, but it made her leg too hot, so she would rather be in the nursing home.


Forum Deputy Chief
Stupid call I wasn't on, but heard dispatched and listened to report from scene. And it was stupid due to dispatch not the caller

During a snowstorm after an ice storm: engine and medic was dispatched to an intersection to investigate a slippery substance. When they marked on scene and engine slid halfway through the intersection they reported to dispatch that the slippery substance was snow on top of ice. dispatch replied that it was the caller thought it was but dispatch wanted to make sure.


Forum Culinary Powerhouse
Just yesterday, dispatched to a board and care on the opposite side of the county at 0200 for "infected leg"

We arrive on scene to find a 24Yo male, Hx of profound mental retardation and spastic quadriplegia, among a myriad of other issues. The nurse tells us he returned home from a field trip about eight hours prior with a laceration on his left lower leg they think it's infected. They have it dressed with gauze and triple antibiotic ointment. We pull that off to see a 1cm lac. About 0.25cm deep, no active hemorrhage, scabbing is forming with good color.

I suggest they follow up with his PCP, that this doesn't really require the emergency room. They're insistent, we take him anyway.

We were only halfway back to the station when we got dispatched to take him back home.


Forum Lieutenant
Last I checked they're RN's and doctors on site at an SNF, why does everything stupid go by ambulance, they should be able to "evaluate" the bs on their own.


Forum Lieutenant
Many times the nurse calls the covering MD and "paints a picture" and not always an acurate one. The Doc, who may or may not know the patient and all the complex history decides that "paid for transport and ER visit" trumps law suit, so frequently says's "Well Nurse Rachett, if you think it should be seen I will agree..."

Which Nurse Rachett then translates into "Doctor Demento wants 123B to get seen at the ER... Ill be doing the chart, Margie can you pass meds for me please...."

And so another patient who doesn't need it is transported to the hospital for CYA. Health care at its finest! :eek:


Forum Culinary Powerhouse
Many times the nurse calls the covering MD and "paints a picture" and not always an acurate one. The Doc, who may or may not know the patient and all the complex history decides that "paid for transport and ER visit" trumps law suit, so frequently says's "Well Nurse Rachett, if you think it should be seen I will agree..."

Which Nurse Rachett then translates into "Doctor Demento wants 123B to get seen at the ER... Ill be doing the chart, Margie can you pass meds for me please...."

And so another patient who doesn't need it is transported to the hospital for CYA. Health care at its finest! :eek:

This is also why you get dispatched for "low O2 sats" and get on scene to find your patient satting at 77% on a NRB... At 3lpm. Because "that what da docta orda"


Forum Probie
This is also why you get dispatched for "low O2 sats" and get on scene to find your patient satting at 77% on a NRB... At 3lpm. Because "that what da docta orda"

Got dispatched to a nursing home for trouble breathing. 94 year old man on a non-rebreather with the tank CLOSED. :eek: wonder he was having trouble breathing.


Forum Crew Member
hahaha went to a nursing home for a sob. nurse states " i cant get her stats past 88% " pt is on nrb 2lpm. i pulled it off the pt. she says " ahh i feel better now thank you "

the nurse is my general managers sister in law so i bit my tongue

gotta love it


Forum Probie
Ok, figured you'd all like this one a bit sorry its long winded but its worth a read...

0300 Hours dispatched to one of the local gas stations for an unknown.
Arrived to find an elderly female sitting on the ground in a t-shirt and undies she reported that she was abducted from her home and was thrown out of the car into the gas station parking lot. She had no complaints, was completely oriented, and did not want our services. In an effort to keep her warm because it was around 50 outside and she was in her panties witch i did not want to see, we asked if she would like to sit in our ambulance while my partner got a good assessment and we could figure out what was going on. She declined and we gave her several warm blankets. I then spoke to several township police officers that were inside the gas station convienience store to see what they were going to do about the lady seeing as she was refusing EMS services and they pointed to the stores servalience camera screen where they were playing back the video of her running down the street from her home (witch was also in view of the camera) like a chicken then procieded to fall and strike her head on the pavement. PD went to her house where they woke up her husband who was oblivious of the situation after having more then a few too many that night. He said he would come get her and put her to bed. PD came back when at that point he decided to lay down on the couch and pass out. So PD stated that due to the fact her husband was sloshed and she needed to be watched for the night we had to transport her to the ER. So as they advised the pt. of this she was rather unhappy and wanted the police to arrest the drug dealer that lived next door to her and leave her alone. She repeated this the entire way to the ER. At the ER the triage nurse asked her what her chief complaint was. We had just transported a naked, pissed, elderly female for I WANT THEM TO ARREST THAT WOMAN. FML...



Forum Probie
Some quick ones off the top of my head from the last few months:

- 20 y/o male who "ate too much."

- A girl who stubbed her little toe while dancing in her living room

- 10 y/o scratched by a cat


Forum Crew Member
Got dispatched to a nursing home for trouble breathing. 94 year old man on a non-rebreather with the tank CLOSED. :eek: wonder he was having trouble breathing.

Thats pretty bad..

Worst I saw was at an assisted living facility. 84 y/o male woke up with SOB in the middle of the night. We show up, and he has 3 canulas (canulae?) stuffed into his nose, each running to a different tank set on 6 LPM.

Turns out all that happened was he turned over in his sleep and clamped his own canula tube off, but those CNAs were bound and determined to get that man some oxygen.


Forum Lieutenant
Family members calling 911 for no reason because they think the patient is weak or something... However the patient has no complaint...happens at least twice a day.


Forum Crew Member
Had an old lady recently who slept on her arm and called us early in the morning because it was numb.

At least she was nice.