Too old for EMS?

I know people that have gone through our fire/EMS academy in their upper 40's and one at 50. A fire academy is harder on the body than field EMS, so I'm sure you'll be okay. What will take you out is on the job injuries from lifting patients. I know many broken down medics and EMT's. Also, I might reconsider if you have a history of hypertension, a cardiac history, etc. EMT 's have died from cardiac related issues. Firefighters die every year responding to and returning from calls, and also dying in their sleep after a rough shift. I mention firefighters because they ride in emergency vehicles and respond just like EMS. The stress and adrenaline spikes, as well as the broken sleep and demands of going from "zero to 60" rapidly from a dead sleep can wreak havoc on the body. Discuss this with your physician.
HELL NO!!! I'm 39 and just passed my NREMT a few months ago. I've already landed a paid on-call gig and I ride another for nothing day(just for the experience) . I was the "old guy" in class and ran circles around most of my classmates
The tough part is working full-time and pursuing a new career. It sucks, but it will pay off. If I were you, I'd get into great physical shape as well. There's enough fatso's in this biz to begin with, you don't older and out of shape because it will bite you. Good luck!!!!!

No joke. EMS isn't exactly the land of fit people. Interrupted sleep can affect fat gain. So can high call volume, where you need to grab something quick due to time constraints, like 7-11 taquitos or beef patties, Toxic Hell (I mean Taco Bell), and the like.
Just thought I'd throw my two cents in here. I'm also 35, and am just about half way through my EMR course (roughly the same level as EMT-B, but up here in Alberta). I'm finding that my age is giving me a huge edge, as many have mentioned here. You're going to probably take the material with the seriousness it deserves, and I find that's going to help you learn it quicker. Most of my class is like yours, young. And they're too busy joking half the time to pay attention, and it's showing in how they do on exams.

So from one old timer to another, good luck in your training!

I think I got ya-all beat. Not really a contest I wanted to win though. :sad:

56 here. And I have asked that same question of myself...many times and probably will again today. I would love to go on to paramedic school but
I would be close to 60 by the time I'm finished. But I may do it anyway as I love to learn. I had a ball in my EMT-B class and found it challenging enough
to keep me excited. I'm lucky (knock on wood) that I don't have any major medical problems and don't have to take any meds.

Just be sure that when that scary looking man behind you swings that scythe, you duck!
anyone over 16 is too old for EMS.
There is one other thing you should consider, and I should have mentioned it before. If you have a family to support, depending on where you live, you should know that you may have a long wait to find a job. I have my EMT-B, and I'm carrying a 100 average in A&P for medic (this and a sincere interest above and beyond generated some job leads with the instructor), and I have called in every favor and recommendation humanly possible, and I cannot even find a place to VOLUNTEER. And there's no guarantee that a Paramedic cert won't leave me in exactly the same place with yet another year down the drain and no money nor advancement to show for it. Look around these boards and you'll see others in similar straights. With county and municipal budget constraints being what they are it isn't really the best time to be changing careers mid-stream to EMS.

Your Mileage May Vary. But understand this is a very real possibility.
We had way to many ems workers prior to the recession, but since it started we have been flooded with new ones. Many news sources suggested ems as an easy way to get a job so now many have wasted money on training and possibly some education to get nothing in return.
I just turn 35 myself yesterday, waiting for a call for FDNY emt January 2011 academy start. 35 Is not old at all, i though u was gonna say u are in your 50s. You bring life experience and mellowness that is much needed in the emt field. Cheers mate.
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I am forty-four.
There are some LEO jobs which have age limits, ludicrous to me. There are ones that do not, yet, those people still had to pass all the test(s).

I don't see why it's ludicrous to you. The PERF age is there for a reason.
I'm 34 and just started a 2 year Paramedic program. So far, so good. Serious health problems aside, age is all in your head.
I'm 39 and just started working as a basic 6 weeks ago - doing intermediate clinicals now. There are several people in my service that are 50+.
I am 43 and in medic school. Though I am much older than all my classmates, I feel I bring life experience that they do not have. Which I think will be very valuable in treating patients.