Tips for a new EMT-B wanting to go on to medic

Hey guys, first post, new-ish to EMS as well.

I'm almost done with my EMT-B class, I test on the 14th of January. I've really enjoyed taking the course and I've only got 2 ride alongs to go. I've gotten pretty good reports from all my preceptors and I've done very good on all the tests and labs throughout my basic class.

Now on to my question. At this point, I'm really considering a career in EMS. I find even the boring simple calls to be really rewarding. I want to go on to paramedic school, the community college I go to has a pretty good program. We are relatively close to a very good hospital and have lots of clinical opportunities there. I want to know what people who have been in EMS for a while think I should do. Should I wait a few years to get some field experience before paramedic school or should I continue to paramedic school after I get my EMT-B and work as an EMT to gain experience as I attend the program? It's not that I don't think I am smart enough to understand the concepts of paramedicine, but I understand that you can't learn experience. I'm prepared to devote all of my time to learn so it's not like I would be juggling school and a full time job on top of being an EMT.

Thanks for any suggestions guys!
From my experience, all the paramedics I know worked as EMTs for a while before starting paramedic school