Threat to revoke EMT license

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I work for a private ambulance company in LA county and I work 2 24 hr shifts a week. Ive been doing this for 1+ yrs with the same company since I became an EMT. Now Im involved in my first real big problem involving patient abandonment.

On my shift Im just the driver since my partner does not have a license. We received a medical call at around 11 pm going to Downey Regional Medical Center (for my LA county medics, some of us know this can be a death sentece). C/C was a fever, nothing serious. We held the wall for about 2 hrs when we finally received a bed in a hallway, not a room. We transferred out patient, safely secured him and yada yada. In my experience as the driver, I took the gurney back to the rig, cleaned it up, made it nice and packed it away. I even cleaned out the garbage in our rig. I sat in the ambulance because usually when we get a bed, in a hallway or not, my partner is out in 5 minutes or so. Nothing was different in this case. He came out and said we were clear, and off we went.

10 minutes later our GM calls and tells us to clock out and go home, weve been suspended until further notice. we still had about 5 hrs till the end of our shift. my partner called him up and find out what was up, and apparently what had happened was the hospital nurse said we abandoned out patient. we argued it and all that.

when i asked my partner when happened when i went out to the rig, he said the patient was admitted and the hospital began the EKG on him so he took off since the hospital was already rendering care. the nurse however said an EKG was not begun and accused us of abandonment. my partner has been doing this for 7+ years so i did not doubt he know what he was doing.

anyway, to this point, one week later, we are still suspended. our GM and owners are having a meeting as to see what our fate is going to be. my question is was there really any wrong doing? and should I also be at fault? i know were a team, but I dont think I was in the wrong doing at all. leave some comments.

my partner has taken full responsibility that it was is wrong doing, if there was any.
Unless you have proof care was transferred (signatures) your probably screwed.
If it is as you state, I don't see anything wrong. Do you have signatures from who you turned patient care over to?

I typically wait with the patient in the room doing paperwork until another provider comes in, though if they are not in any immediate medical need, there is no problem with walking down to the nurses station to remind them that there is a patient.

It's not like a nurse is in the patients room 24/7...
my partner did not grab a signature, just papers from the hospital showing the pt was admitted. as i said earlier, i was pretty much in the ambulance waiting for him. so everything after me leaving with the gurney, is all based on what my partner said.
If it is as you state, I don't see anything wrong. Do you have signatures from who you turned patient care over to?

I typically wait with the patient in the room doing paperwork until another provider comes in, though if they are not in any immediate medical need, there is no problem with walking down to the nurses station to remind them that there is a patient.

It's not like a nurse is in the patients room 24/7...

I don't see anything wrong with it either. If the patient is given a bed and has a chart, in my opinion, the patient is in their care.

If that constitutes abandonment then every single health care provider is screwed.

Check the time stamps on the EKG, vs the time you went in service. If you're available after the EKG had been done, then I would think that's a mark in your favor.
well it doesnt seem like well be getting our license revoked, but the fact that now our bosses want to have a meeting as to decide what do with us. they havent really kept us in the loop as in what is happeneing with the hospital, if any further action has been taken or will be taken. right now were just feeling were going to be fired without a solid reason. but thanks for the EKG idea, i might bring that up right now. i have to go pick up my paycheck and see if i can talk to them and see what the deal is.
...and this, ladies and gentlemen, is one of the reasons why I'm anal about checking every box, getting every signature. That line for the person receiving care isn't there for a waste of ink, and should always get a signature. If that means that the patient is being left in their own care, then I have no problem getting the patient to sign twice.
my partner did not grab a signature, just papers from the hospital showing the pt was admitted. as i said earlier, i was pretty much in the ambulance waiting for him. so everything after me leaving with the gurney, is all based on what my partner said.

If you all have an admit sheet, I really don't see what the problem is. At my service, we are supposed to attempt to get the patient and a nurse to sign. If the nurse is not available, an admit sheet and both crew member's signatures works.

I second that part about the EKG time stamp. Also, check the admit date/time on the admit sheet.
Sounds to me like something didn't go right after you left and pinning it on you is how somebody at the hospital is going to save their own butt.
Why did your partner not get a signature?
Signatures aren't required everywhere. We don't get signatures when we deliver patients to the hosptial, but we do get a copy of the face sheet for billing purposes.

who exactly is threatening to revoke your license?

Your company can't, the hospital can't, the nurse that claims you abandoned your patient can't, so who is?

There has to be more to this than what's been presented.

John E
who exactly is threatening to revoke your license?

Your company can't, the hospital can't, the nurse that claims you abandoned your patient can't, so who is?

There has to be more to this than what's been presented.

John E

While this may be true, they can certainly give a report and a recommendation to the licensing/certification agency. They might not be literally threatening to revoke the license; they might be threatening to have it revoked. Or to at least try to.

To the OP: You might also consider seeing if the hospital security has videotaped evidence of what happened in that hallway.
Signatures aren't required everywhere. We don't get signatures when we deliver patients to the hosptial, but we do get a copy of the face sheet for billing purposes.

Same here. The only time we get a signature from the hospital is if the patient can't sign the HIPAA form
if there is going to be a lawsuit, watch what details you give out online
good luck
if there is going to be a lawsuit, watch what details you give out online
good luck

Agreed. Thread closed to protect the OP.
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