This is funny at 2 am


Forum Deputy Chief
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Ok, so at 2 am, some things are just funny. I looked at the advanced search and their is an option there that is humorous to me. What I want to know, is where are the "child forums" so we know where to find Jon when he's not around.

Go Look and see...its have a special choice to search the "child forums"
Nice, now if I could only read what you posted. Green on the background does not make for a very visible image.
Highlight it....its like magic ink:shades_smile:
I thought you had an electronic ankle monitor on Jon...maybe I should check on my cat....
MY EYES!!!! IT BUUURNS!!!!!!!:omg: :shades_smile:
Somebody call 9-1-1, we have a person whose eyes are on fire!!!!! They might need the cab-u-lance!
I think that means the sub-categories

The Main Category is the Parent Directory, and the Sub Category is the Child Directory on most computer talk topics.

And the green. I'm blind now. :sick:
heh, mebbe Jon whined enough that they made him his own group...awww lucky Jon!!!!!!
Hugh?? what are you guys saying?? You are going to have to yell, the green color is so loud I cannot hear yall:P
Ok, so you don't like the green....

Personally I think the yellow is a pretty color. Yellow like the sun, or mustard, the color of the firetrucks in the neighboring district.

Or there is always cyan. its kind of pretty too.

How about just a rainbow of colors...
Well....Ok, it accents your colorfull personality. :P The yellow is better than the green when highlighted.
Ok, so you don't like the green....

Personally I think the yellow is a pretty color. Yellow like the sun, or mustard, the color of the firetrucks in the neighboring district.

Or there is always cyan. its kind of pretty too.

How about just a rainbow of colors...

Pardon me, while I have a seizure...
squid said:
but how? how do i annoy people with colours?

First, you must go to your User CP - Edit Options screen. At the bottom, you'll see Miscellaneous Options. Choose either the Standard or Enhanced editor.

Next, when you type a message, look across the top of the message box. You'll see an "A" next to the font size box. Choose you're color there.