This cant be good-- First day medic school

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So, first day of medic school. Enjoyed it. But one thing worries me;

As we were leaving, we passed by the EMT class that just started as well, them looking at us with wide, confused eyes. I all of a sudden had the almost uncontrollable urge to poke some of them with needles.

Is this normal? Or am I turning into the thing a fear; a paragod?!
I used to look at women for attractiveness. Since medic school I look at women on when I can start the line.
I used to look at women for attractiveness. Since medic school I look at women on when I can start the line.

I'm kinda angry---- 3 females in my class, all over the age of 30, and not attractive.

I look in the EMT class, and 7 girls, between 18-20.

Is it wrong to use "I'm a medic student" as a pickup line for female EMT students?
Is this normal? Or am I turning into the thing a fear; a paragod?!

You only turn into one of those if you become a complete and total toolbag and don't treat basics with respect. I did my best not to step over that line when I started medic school. But as I am still in medic school, there is no way that I can tell if I am going to keep my vow to never become that weenie that everyone mocks behind his back.

Well, I mean more than they already do, anyway.
You learned some A&P too today? or just clothing?

Class policies, grading procedures, and "The EMS profession" from the Brady book.

Same as every other classes first day.. paperwork and lameness.
Class policies, grading procedures, and "The EMS profession" from the Brady book.

Same as every other classes first day.. paperwork and lameness.

We went up and running in my first day. Did all of the Intro to Paramedicine, Legal stuff, and the well being of the Paramedic.
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We went up and running in my first day. Did all of the Intro to Paramedicine, Legal stuff, and the well being of the Paramedic.

Legal is right after A&P, followed by drugs.

Druggie drug drugs. We have a test over half of them right after A&P. Should be fun.
I'm kinda angry---- 3 females in my class, all over the age of 30, and not attractive.

I look in the EMT class, and 7 girls, between 18-20.

Is it wrong to use "I'm a medic student" as a pickup line for female EMT students?

I didn't know class is for finding a girlfriend.
We went up and running in my first day. Did all of the Intro to Paramedicine, Legal stuff, and the well being of the Paramedic.

That stuff makes me want to stab myself with a hypodermic needle >_<

I mean, it's very important to know and understand completely, but it's just soooo dry...
I didn't know class is for finding a girlfriend.

Meh, isn't that like the best place to meet someone? Obviously, somewhat similar interest.
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Yes, Linuss, it is.

Better than any place they serve intoxicants. You go guy, but be gentle, because she might be better than you at EMS.
On Saturday, we start 2 months of A&P.

That's it for A&P? Do you (honest question) think that 2 months will really give you a good overview of the body?

I took (and will have to do some re-taking) A&P 1 & 2 (2 semesters) plus labs and I still feel like I know so little about the human body!
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