Thinking of transferring companies, help?

Andy Svendsen

Forum Probie
Hello All, hope everyone is having a safe weekend anyways, I'm looking for some advice. About a month ago I posted on here how I was questioning this job if it's really for me, how I feel I'm not fitting in and everyone told me not to give up, I appreciated that a lot, and I thought I was getting better and finally fitting in but I'm finding the problem is only getting worse, and I'm discovering maybe it's the company I'm in. I volunteer for a rescue squad and at first I thought my partners cared about me, but now I realized they could give a crap less about me, they barely talk to me, they don't help me with anything and always make me feel left out of the group, this company like any volunteer company always says they need volunteers but to me it seems it's too packed and they don't need me, I've really been thinking of leaving this company I'm apart of, where I live there's no jurisdiction to volunteer ambulance companies, I could leave this one and volly for another towns ambulance if I wanted because where I live there's quite a few to choose from, I don't know what to do, I don't really like going to this place anymore everytime I go I feel I don't belong there, today I had to miss my duty slot to go to a class and was honestly quite happy I didn't have to go, which is really sad because I love EMS, I don't ever wanna quit, but this company is making me feel like I should, what should I do? Should I leave while I'm young and still can? Should I stay and try to work things out? I appreciate any advice, I'm sorry if I sound like a whiner or complainer, constructive criticism is always welcome that's the whole point of this thread is to get all kinds of feedback thank you be safe and have a nice day
If you're not fitting in, and there's other nearby services, then I can't think of much of a reason to stay at a place you're starting to dread going in to
You have to take into consideration how many people come and go. Unless you stand out from the crowd, they won't have much of a reason to like you.
Not trying to diss you, but I would steer clear of someone if they talked as pessimistically as you. I don't know if Thats how you are in real life, but the more you act like no one likes you, the less people will like you.
It's human instinct.

What are you giving them that they don't already have?

Do your thing and stop being so negative. Negativity will bring you backward in life, 100% of the time
You have to take into consideration how many people come and go. Unless you stand out from the crowd, they won't have much of a reason to like you.
Not trying to diss you, but I would steer clear of someone if they talked as pessimistically as you. I don't know if Thats how you are in real life, but the more you act like no one likes you, the less people will like you.
It's human instinct.

What are you giving them that they don't already have?

Do your thing and stop being so negative. Negativity will bring you backward in life, 100% of the time
Thank you for your reply, no you aren't dissing me, like I said all opinions are welcome, I'm never usually that way I'm always the first to comfort someone and tell them it'll be alright if something's wrong as I also said I love EMS, always have even before I joined, it's my dream and I feel if I'm not in the right company I'll do whatever I have to, to keep that dream alive even if that means quitting this company and joining another where I'll feel more comfortable but you are right also I realize that not everyone is gonna care and like me, especially if I don't say much to them to give them a reason, thanks again for the reply be safe
How long have you been an EMT? How long have you been involved in the service your with now? Did you just waltz into this social circle and anticipate everybody to drop everything and focus on you? Most volly services I've seen have close knit groups and it takes a while for them to welcome newcomers. Volunteer services get all walks of life. People that want improve and expand their medical knowledge and experiences, people who want to make it their social club, people who just want to drive with the blinkys and the woo-woos and don't care at all about any other aspect. Until they figure out what you are, you're going to be kept at arms length. They may still afterwards.

You said people aren't helping you. Helping you what? Is there an unspoken expectation that you should know what you're licensed for and operate independently? Are you asking multiple people the same things repeatedly? Are you possibly coming off as annoying and needy? If you acted the way you spoke in your original post I would avoid you.

I'm always the first to comfort someone and tell them it'll be alright if something's wrong

This. Stop doing this. Everything will NOT be alright. People die. People get paralyzed. People lose loved ones and get scarred. The world is not unicorns and rainbows. People need help, not soothed.
How long have you been an EMT? How long have you been involved in the service your with now? Did you just waltz into this social circle and anticipate everybody to drop everything and focus on you? Most volly services I've seen have close knit groups and it takes a while for them to welcome newcomers. Volunteer services get all walks of life. People that want improve and expand their medical knowledge and experiences, people who want to make it their social club, people who just want to drive with the blinkys and the woo-woos and don't care at all about any other aspect. Until they figure out what you are, you're going to be kept at arms length. They may still afterwards.

You said people aren't helping you. Helping you what? Is there an unspoken expectation that you should know what you're licensed for and operate independently? Are you asking multiple people the same things repeatedly? Are you possibly coming off as annoying and needy? If you acted the way you spoke in your original post I would avoid you.

This. Stop doing this. Everything will NOT be alright. People die. People get paralyzed. People lose loved ones and get scarred. The world is not unicorns and rainbows. People need help, not soothed.
Oh ok.. Well I don't know how to answer you since you asked a billion questions in one big paragraph, I don't think it's as serious as you're making it sound, as I said I'm not totally deciding to transfer yet but these are just my thoughts if I truly hated the place I'm in I would've left by now, all I've been doing is questioning if it's the right place for me but I get what you're saying but to answer what you said about things not being rainbows and all, I never said that I was saying to the other guy how I'm not a pessimist, anyways have a nice day thank you for the reply sir (or ma'am)
you have no obligation to stay there. but, just because you leave doesnt necessarily mean it will be better somewhere else. I couldnt and most likely wouldnt work a job i was miserable at, ESPECIALLY for FREE.
you have no obligation to stay there. but, just because you leave doesnt necessarily mean it will be better somewhere else. I couldnt and most likely wouldnt work a job i was miserable at, ESPECIALLY for FREE.
You're very correct about that, about it may not be better somewhere else, I've taken that Into consideration as well which is why I haven't just left yet, whatever happens is what happens since I do love this job regardless it is like a drug lol
Thoroughly consider what am about to say before you respond. I am not insulting you when I say it. I am only a student about a month from graduating so l am aware my experience will not be comparable to yours.

To me, you honestly sound like the pessimist. Always focusing on the negativity of any situation.

You start of by saying they told you "not to give up" which says to me, you expressed your uncofidence toward them. Meaning, you tell them your "deepest darkest secrets" like you're in the bathroom at an elementary school.
stop. Stop. Stop.
Grow up man. I am not trying to be mean right now. I am legitimately concerned for you because you seem to be going down a mental path I am too familiar with, And I don't think you even realize it. Don't let yourself get depressed and view every other human you come into contact with as free therapy because your dad didn't hug you or whatever it is that set you off.
For me personally, it was family related. I am not trying to offend you right now, even if say these things. I am only clarifying because some people don't understand how to jokingly bash each other while being serious at the same time. Learn how to do this.TRUST ME.
no station wants to have the guy who's so sad all the time always concerned about himself crying to the preceptors (in my case at least because I am still a student) and brings the mood down.
From the little experience I have, busy stations get little rest at some periods when the universe decides to throw up all over them.
Sometimes there are days they are ready for calls and are aching to make a difference, and get 3 baker acts and a DOA Pediatric abuse toilet drowning 5 minutes before clocking out.
You are attempting to enter a group of people, who trust each other with the liability each of them is capable to inflict upon the other. Would you like it if someone came into your family and started to complain that they're sad they weren't "accepted" and "loved" and "RESPECTED" right from the start. How would that make you feel? Would you become this guy's personal therapist and tend to his every need? You've spent a long time building up a bond with people you call family. It's human nature to not trust someone as soon as they show up. Having an EMT certification doesn't make you able to kick and scream your way into a station until people treat you like you know what you're doing.
PROVE IT. These people are here because they CHOOSE to be. Not because they are getting paid. They are there for the SOCIAL aspect. If you bring them down, they will attempt to let you know as such.
Some places are just more polite about it

Here's a scenario.

What if you're in a Significant MOI MVC, you've ejected a few yards from the vehicle and collided feet first into a concrete divider. with 2 fractured femurs, no pedal pulses, your legs are paresthetic and slowly losing feeling in your distal philanges from internal blood loss, you can hear your heart palpatations muffled under the tennitis still ringing in your ears. You're lying supine on the hot asphalt, your compression fractures roasting on the scorching pavement, with your splintered bone ends forcefully poking and piercing through your subcaneous tissue, grinding along with the grittiness of the time worn rough concrete surface.
you're diapharetic, and freezing cold. No temperature regulation, and roasting on a highway but chills shooting through your body like lightening bolts are the only sensations that make themselves apparent in your healthy young body that had worked flawless just minutes before. Your car you just paid off is totaled(you know, the one you've been working minimum wage for 10 years just to pay off?) , but it's at the back of your list of worries. The only thoughts you can think of is life. How you want to live. How your life is worthy of emergency care. But how will you even pay for this? You have crap health insurance.
suddenly you see it. Red flashes are all around you. There's a chance for life. The world isn't ending maybe. They're here to take you away from the pain.

You catch the voice of one of your rescuers. One of The two first responders, walking toward you, who you expect to be 100% commited to saving your life because you've never been so scared in your life, is complaining about how nobody likes him at the station. He says he doesn't fit in and how it makes him sad. You then see this man approaching you, calling out for verbal response. You attempt to call out, but you can't summon the energy to give anything more then whimper. You feel your jaw forcefully pushed forward. A peice of plastic is placed in your mouth contacting on the back of your throat. You gag for a few seconds before it is removed. You feel a slick tube running into your nose, then hear a "wait.. is that how..." feel it pulling out, and pushed back in, then out and into the other nostril. He fumbles with the mask and asks nis partner "is this right?" The man seems to lack confidence in his ability. He seems afraid and squeamish to hold manual traction on your leg as his partner retrieves a traction splint.
How would you feel if this guy was the one to pull the pulley on the splint?
This guy doesn't know what he's doing. It's clear as day. Even to your cyanotic roasting hypoxic brained self on the pavement.

You would be praying new people came soon to interject.

Don't look at what I say and thnk "that's not what I would do at all, this guy doesn't know me I am so much better then that".
because when you talk like you are, that's the image you portray to me, If your colleagues have made an effort to remind you not to give up.
What is important is that you appreciate the oppurtunity of being able to comfort and provide care to people when they are in their most vulnerable state at the edge of death(as rare as these calls are). It is an absolute privlege to do this job. The work enviorment should be a null point. If you want change, earn the respect you deserve by showing them you have a backbone and the confidence they can rely on. For now, just appreciate the responsibility of being on the other end of the number people call when they need life changing help they do not have the ability to provide themselves. If that's not the reason you're doing it, none of these guys will want to be locked in a rolling dying people box on wheels with your presence.

I'm just a student. I have no job experience, only clinicals. But this is just how I feel on the situation. Please take no offense to anything In this post. I am absolutely just trying to help.
Thoroughly consider what am about to say before you respond. I am not insulting you when I say it. I am only a student about a month from graduating so l am aware my experience will not be comparable to yours.

To me, you honestly sound like the pessimist. Always focusing on the negativity of any situation.

You start of by saying they told you "not to give up" which says to me, you expressed your uncofidence toward them. Meaning, you tell them your "deepest darkest secrets" like you're in the bathroom at an elementary school.
stop. Stop. Stop.
Grow up man. I am not trying to be mean right now. I am legitimately concerned for you because you seem to be going down a mental path I am too familiar with, And I don't think you even realize it. Don't let yourself get depressed and view every other human you come into contact with as free therapy because your dad didn't hug you or whatever it is that set you off.
For me personally, it was family related. I am not trying to offend you right now, even if say these things. I am only clarifying because some people don't understand how to jokingly bash each other while being serious at the same time. Learn how to do this.TRUST ME.
no station wants to have the guy who's so sad all the time always concerned about himself crying to the preceptors (in my case at least because I am still a student) and brings the mood down.
From the little experience I have, busy stations get little rest at some periods when the universe decides to throw up all over them.
Sometimes there are days they are ready for calls and are aching to make a difference, and get 3 baker acts and a DOA Pediatric abuse toilet drowning 5 minutes before clocking out.
You are attempting to enter a group of people, who trust each other with the liability each of them is capable to inflict upon the other. Would you like it if someone came into your family and started to complain that they're sad they weren't "accepted" and "loved" and "RESPECTED" right from the start. How would that make you feel? Would you become this guy's personal therapist and tend to his every need? You've spent a long time building up a bond with people you call family. It's human nature to not trust someone as soon as they show up. Having an EMT certification doesn't make you able to kick and scream your way into a station until people treat you like you know what you're doing.
PROVE IT. These people are here because they CHOOSE to be. Not because they are getting paid. They are there for the SOCIAL aspect. If you bring them down, they will attempt to let you know as such.
Some places are just more polite about it

Here's a scenario.

What if you're in a Significant MOI MVC, you've ejected a few yards from the vehicle and collided feet first into a concrete divider. with 2 fractured femurs, no pedal pulses, your legs are paresthetic and slowly losing feeling in your distal philanges from internal blood loss, you can hear your heart palpatations muffled under the tennitis still ringing in your ears. You're lying supine on the hot asphalt, your compression fractures roasting on the scorching pavement, with your splintered bone ends forcefully poking and piercing through your subcaneous tissue, grinding along with the grittiness of the time worn rough concrete surface.
you're diapharetic, and freezing cold. No temperature regulation, and roasting on a highway but chills shooting through your body like lightening bolts are the only sensations that make themselves apparent in your healthy young body that had worked flawless just minutes before. Your car you just paid off is totaled(you know, the one you've been working minimum wage for 10 years just to pay off?) , but it's at the back of your list of worries. The only thoughts you can think of is life. How you want to live. How your life is worthy of emergency care. But how will you even pay for this? You have crap health insurance.
suddenly you see it. Red flashes are all around you. There's a chance for life. The world isn't ending maybe. They're here to take you away from the pain.

You catch the voice of one of your rescuers. One of The two first responders, walking toward you, who you expect to be 100% commited to saving your life because you've never been so scared in your life, is complaining about how nobody likes him at the station. He says he doesn't fit in and how it makes him sad. You then see this man approaching you, calling out for verbal response. You attempt to call out, but you can't summon the energy to give anything more then whimper. You feel your jaw forcefully pushed forward. A peice of plastic is placed in your mouth contacting on the back of your throat. You gag for a few seconds before it is removed. You feel a slick tube running into your nose, then hear a "wait.. is that how..." feel it pulling out, and pushed back in, then out and into the other nostril. He fumbles with the mask and asks nis partner "is this right?" The man seems to lack confidence in his ability. He seems afraid and squeamish to hold manual traction on your leg as his partner retrieves a traction splint.
How would you feel if this guy was the one to pull the pulley on the splint?
This guy doesn't know what he's doing. It's clear as day. Even to your cyanotic roasting hypoxic brained self on the pavement.

You would be praying new people came soon to interject.

Don't look at what I say and thnk "that's not what I would do at all, this guy doesn't know me I am so much better then that".
because when you talk like you are, that's the image you portray to me, If your colleagues have made an effort to remind you not to give up.
What is important is that you appreciate the oppurtunity of being able to comfort and provide care to people when they are in their most vulnerable state at the edge of death(as rare as these calls are). It is an absolute privlege to do this job. The work enviorment should be a null point. If you want change, earn the respect you deserve by showing them you have a backbone and the confidence they can rely on. For now, just appreciate the responsibility of being on the other end of the number people call when they need life changing help they do not have the ability to provide themselves. If that's not the reason you're doing it, none of these guys will want to be locked in a rolling dying people box on wheels with your presence.

I'm just a student. I have no job experience, only clinicals. But this is just how I feel on the situation. Please take no offense to anything In this post. I am absolutely just trying to help.

For a student with no experience, you sure have a lot to say.
I'm just a student. I have no job experience, only clinicals

HAHAH are you KIDDING me? Should have started and ended with that line I just quoted.

I am legitimately concerned for you because you seem to be going down a mental path I am too familiar with,

Considering you just wrote a novel about a job you have never had, yes you are familiar with the mental side of things eh?
I absolutely always have a lot to say. I'll say what I think is right until someone proves me wrong.
And for some reason, people always seem to get offended :confused:
Wonder why ???

But really, if I'm wrong then please feel free to pick apart anything I say. Demean me if its what you've gotta do.
Because the truth is, I am the lowest of the low and half the crap im saying/believing might be completely wrong.
But until I'm told otherwise, I'll remain way up here on this horse and hope I packed a parachute, because I really do enjoy being knocked down a notch or two.

If you think what I say is stupid, please don't hold back. I probably deserve it.
I absolutely always have a lot to say. I'll say what I think is right until someone proves me wrong.
And for some reason, people always seem to get offended :confused:
Wonder why ???

But really, if I'm wrong then please feel free to pick apart anything I say. Demean me if its what you've gotta do.
Because the truth is, I am the lowest of the low and half the crap im saying/believing might be completely wrong.
But until I'm told otherwise, I'll remain way up here on this horse and hope I packed a parachute, because I really do enjoy being knocked down a notch or two.

If you think what I say is stupid, please don't hold back. I probably deserve it.

You are going to have a lot of friends when you start working EMS.
I'm still waiting for a movie deal with my super detailed MVC story

By the way .

I've never been even at a MVC scene yet. Meaning, my interpretation is still fueled only by the stories shared by those who have.
Let that annoying thing I just said irk you a little more
and I imagine anyone who is annoyed by what I say would be even more annoyed to find out that I use my uniform for firehouse sub discounts and I'm not even a certified EMT yet.
Well. If this isn't pure, unadulterated trolling I don't know what is.
Well I have over 130 hours of experience in transporting the homeless and being assaulted by toothless hypoglycemic meth addicts.
And I've seen plenty of people who store their clothing in a peculiar fashion in the way that it takes up the entire floor space of the house along with carcasses of their many "lost" pets.

Yeah I'm using my uniform for the firehouse discount. I'm poor and still paying for college so I need it more then you employeed people sitting on your throne of experience who have earned the right to take all of the reclinable furniture that you complain about people using.

One day I too will have a reclinable chair.
That's a big undertaking