The Responding Medical Person's List Of Emergency Questions


Still crazy but elsewhere
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Allow me to start off (ahem):

1. Is this scene safe for me and the pt?
2. Given my rapid and ongoing eval/once over, what will kill this pt first?
3. What can I do about #2 right now?
4. OK, since I've bought some time, where is this all leading? Can I get to that point more quickly by cutting to the chase, or am I pinned down here fighting killing events I can't address on the move, and await reinforcements?
5. Am I dithering?

And, of course, #6: "Does my butt look big hunkered down working like this?".
#7 Is the receiving hospital near where i want to eat? (Very important question)
exactly how much does this dude/dudette weigh and how many do we need to extricate/lift/move him/her?

Of those things I can DO between here and there, which will actually benefit the pt the most during that perios in time? (i.e., I have ten minutes, should I take that time to start an IV, prepare meds, and give them, when I can give them via MDI, neb, or IM and get more done in the time frame?).
One of my considerations as I arrive is: How do I leave (with or without the patient) quickly? Scene safety plays a part in this, so does the possibility that we need to "Scoop & Run".
"What changed this morning at 4:00 am that made this an emergency after three weeks of the same symptoms?"
To expand on Akulahawk:

Will my vehicle fit/will it sink in/can I turn around or should I check the exit route before I pull in.

If you give them dinner, will that solve the problem? I wish our ER would consider this as an alternative to admission. I'd also suggest making the hospital food worse if only it were possible.
If you give them dinner, will that solve the problem?.

Absolutely. I can assure you if I go to somebodies house and sit with them, take thier vital signs, write up a report, say "no you don't need to go to the hospital" have a cup of coffee with them they'll think I'm smashing.

If they die an hour later, the family will still think I'm wonderful because I was nice and won't sue!
Absolutely. I can assure you if I go to somebodies house and sit with them, take thier vital signs, write up a report, say "no you don't need to go to the hospital" have a cup of coffee with them they'll think I'm smashing.

If they die an hour later, the family will still think I'm wonderful because I was nice and won't sue!

Yeah was taught this in EMT school and now again in Paramedic school. A nice, polite paramedic will probably not get sued if me-maw dies. However a belligerent paramedic will always get sued regardless of the outcome of me-maw.
Will walking into this residence cause the floor to finally collapse and drop us all into a pit of rat infested doom?

and definitely: what food place is still open after this call is over?
For us its, Which is the closest hospital that is appropriate for the pt yet has the best stocked medic lounge? And on Sun nights that doesnt even come in to play since all the lounges except one have been scavenged.