You assigin yourself a title like Resident Curmudgeon for a reason of course, you've got an image to uphold that you're proud of and I'm certainly not your peer, I get that.
Actually one of the other members described me as the "resident cranky old ****er". One of the others modified that to "resident curmudgeon" and it kind of stuck.
Arguing on the internet is goofy and I let medic rub me the wrong way because this is the 2nd thread in my short history with this forum that he's come around barking at me.
Don't take it personal. I do it to
everyone (even the moderators and the people I consider friends on here) and if I didn't think you were worth bothering with, I would have told you so. My figuring is if you can't take criticism it is best to get out of the field now because my being blunt is mild compared to what your coworkers will do to you once you've become a peer. Also, a lot of the perceived attitude is simply because of the lack of tone and body language. If I really thought you were a mentally deficient person who needed to be absolutely culled from the field, I would have said so. I've done it before on here. All I said was you demonstrated that you're lacking in innate ability, which should not be taken as a slight but rather simply as a statement that you're going to have to work a lot harder than most people.
So I'm sure I'll run into folks like medic who jump to conclusions and bark for the sake of barking.
I never "bark for the sake of barking". I always have a point, even if it is just to get a laugh out of a situation.
I was reading on another forum that even anesthesiologists with 12+ years of schooling get snubbed pretty reguarly by surgeons in some places.
Pretty much every place. Joke I overheard once:
"What's the difference between a long case according to a surgeon and anesthesiologist?"
"A long case for a surgeon is where you have to scrub out to go to the bathroom. A long case for an anesthesiologist is where they have to remember to bring a second crossword puzzle."
BTW, I heard that joke from a friend who is an anesthesiologist.
During clinicals you may run into medics that have nothing but disdain for students(I suspect a couple are regulars on this forum), or who enjoy putting students on the spot.
What's wrong with putting students on the spot? Our job as clinical instructors is to assure that students are compotent to be certified, is it not? Now, jump pimping them to be a jerk is one thing but grilling them and making them work to pass a clinical is another. My policy was that students were not allowed to sit on their butts and watch TV or otherwise waste time during rotations. You're there to learn and I am going to make you learn. Those who were trying to skate by hated me for it, those who wanted to actually be good at their jobs gave me high marks for it.
Again on this thread you missed the point entirely... You misunderstood what the premise of of this test was and what was actually covered, jumping to conclusions so you could make a smug comment. You know what? If this thread were on the Hobet you'd be failing your reading comprehension.
Actually you made it sound like you were part of a pilot group for your program. It is not at all uncommon for pilot groups to not be held accountable while the bugs are worked out of testing procedures. That is what confused me. The "smug comment" (the one about it not boding well for your academic prowess) was simply a fair and non-tainted assessment of your performance based on your own assessment of your performance. Whether it was of "any consequence" directly to your current program or not has zero bearing on the fact that if you can't pass a basic test of academic skills, you are in for a tough road. No insinuations, no insult is just the take of a veteran instructor. Best of luck and if you need anything, all you have to do is ask. I may come across as a bit of jerk, but ask Ven or JPINFV, I am always willing to help out so long as the person is polite and respectful to me as a teacher.