the 100% directionless thread

need a new phone. well, want a new phone. coming from the htc one, no real problems with it, just dont like it anymore. I have some problems with the keyboard and the battery is getting old. what phone should I look at and why?

I just got a Galaxy S5 this morning. I've been wanting to switch from my iPhone 5 for a while. Only had it for a few hours, but I love it so far.
forgot to say that I am in no way interested in ianything.

did you consider any other phones or go straight to the s5? On my previous go 'round I chose the htc one m8 over the sdue to the fact that I wanted to root and it seamed better for that aspect, but now I am realizing that stock ROMs are good enough for me and I am not using root features as much as I did on the past so I don't think I will be rooting my next phone.
I have an s4 and am looking at upgrading in the next month or two to either a g3 note 4 or s6... I am basing my choices based solely on the camera
Does anybody else use Combi tubes??

King tubes are frowned upon here for the whole belief that they are overinflated and hinder perfusion ( it's believed they put too much pressure on carotid arterys)

Nasal intubations are also HUGE here. And of course the normal ET intubation.
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I have an s4 and am looking at upgrading in the next month or two to either a g3 note 4 or s6... I am basing my choices based solely on the camera

see thats the thing with these phones nowadays, everyone wants different things out of their phone it hard to get advice.

Now I'm looking around I like the moto x, and I did really enjoy my moto droid mini, but my wifes moto razr was a POS. The other thing is the htc one m8 that I have now is BIG, and it seams most of the newer phones are even bigger, and I'm not talking phablet, just regular smart phones are huge now.

I used my phone a lot in the ambo, and then as a student. I wonder if as a pleeb my needs will be different and I can get away with a smaller type of phone, but I don't know...the search continues.

In other news, I've barely gotten any studying done today, well, medical studying that is.
Does anybody else use Combi tubes??

King tubes are frowned upon here for the whole belief that they are overinflated and hinder perfusion.

Nasal intubations are also HUGE here. And of course the normal ET intubation.
Or just don't over-inflate it....

Just Kings here. We have the option for nasal, but it's rarely performed.
Or just don't over-inflate it....

Just Kings here. We have the option for nasal, but it's rarely performed.
It's hard to tell what's "over inflating it" and whats "under inflating it" when the amount of air recommended is proving to cause perfusion problems. I'm not going to spend time screwing with the cuff hoping the seal is tight enough to now allow air to escape, but not too tight to impair perfusion.

You can attach capno to end of tube during nasal intubation and will start seeing the waves when your at the epiglottis. There's also the endotracheal tube whistle (there's a couple brands) that can be attached and whistles different sounds during inspiration/expiration when over the epiglottis. Those work great. And you can nasally intubate someone with trismus without the use of paralytic a if needed.

I'm personally not a fan of Combi tubes. I prefer to go for the classic intubation, and if that fails, nasal.
Over-inflating it is going above the manufacturer's recommendation (which is printed on the tube and on the package). The way Kings were originally taught was to put in air until you get back pressure. Those things will take as much air as you want to put in them.

Wait, your backup airway is nasal intubation?...
Do you want it to count?

I do!
@Ewok Jerky , I have the note 4 and like it for all its capabilities but the keyboard and typing stuff is really annoying coming from the iphone. I feel like this thing auto correc to some ridiculous words, the period and voice to text is poorly placed so im always hitting them unnecessarily and it'll save typos to your learned words unless deleted. Everything else is fine for what im using it for.
The bigger your hands the better too because I can't hold it in one hand and type and maintain a secure grip
did you consider any other phones or go straight to the s5?
I considered the HTC and the Droids; liked them all a lot but one of the main reasons I wanted to get away from iPhone was wanting expandable memory....and those other options don't allow for that, unfortunately.
King tubes are frowned upon here for the whole belief that they are overinflated and hinder perfusion ( it's believed they put too much pressure on carotid arterys)

Where does that belief come from?
Over-inflating it is going above the manufacturer's recommendation (which is printed on the tube and on the package). The way Kings were originally taught was to put in air until you get back pressure. Those things will take as much air as you want to put in them.

Wait, your backup airway is nasal intubation?...
et intubation twice before moving on.

In the place I worked prior it was three attempts at getting an et prior to moving on.

Many use nasal as a first attempt ET. A lot use bougies as well.

Hospitals prefer an et as opposed to a supraglottic. But of course, you get what you get.
Where does that belief come from?


They are often overinflated and cause restricted perfusion.

I have heard negatives on both king and combos. I'm not a fan of either. I would rather use an LMA, just as a personal preference. But combi tubes are what's used here.

They are often overinflated and cause restricted perfusion.

I have never heard of that.

I'd be really interested in reading those studies.

If you can find citations and pass them on to me, I would appreciate it.
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