Nice work Brother. Yah... treating dead people... not to bad of a way to break yourself in.
I once worked a code with another new grad from the surgical ICU.
If you can imagine he doing a chest pass with a basketball... that was his technique for CPR. Quick horrendously choppy thrusts that emanated from his bent elbows.
On facebook he commented on my posting, noting how sore his triceps and shoulders were the next day, asking me if mine were sore too.
I sent him a private message explaining that his CPR was subpar. He never responded lol.
I go back to my earlier statement... i can't remember if it was this site, or
EVERY nurse should take an EMT-B class. This isn't WHERE i learned good cpr, but it was EMPHASIZED over and over and over. I just thought it was second nature to lock your arms out and use your bodyweight to compress...
more and more i hear stories of nurses who don't know how to do cpr. pretty pretty pretty sad.