the 100% directionless thread


Forum Asst. Chief
So I ended up watching Olympic curling today while studying and I have to admit that it's pretty interesting once you get past the entire sweeping ice issue. It's more of a thinking game than the other sports. To illustrate, let's look at most of the other sports.

Racing sports: (luge, speed skating, mogals, cross country sking, bobsled, skeleton, etc). Each race looks exactly the same, unless someone crashes. Of course most people who watch these sports are looking for crashes. Outside of crashes, there's very little personality in most of these. Of course, when seconds or less separate a gold metal from no metal, everyone is doing the exact same damn thing anyways.

Figure skating/ice dancing: First off, how many people who don't figure skate can tell the difference between a toeloop, lutz, Salchow, and axel? Additionally, I really don't want to watch stick figure teenagers or emo guys skate. Riverdance style ice skating, on the other hand, would be much more interesting.

So curling. Ok, it's not a strength sport or an endurance sport. It's about as immediately exciting as watching a game of chess. However it's kinda of like chess... but on ice. Do I want to put this rock out in front to block or knock my opponiantes out of the circle? How many rocks can I knock out of the circle? Additional benifit: Womens curling has women who aren't dressed from head to toe in winter gear (like snow boarding, of course I don't really blame snow boarders for what they wear, when they crash they're going to need all the protection they can get) without me wanting to prescribe a cheese burger as a nutritional supplement (cough, figure skating cough).

I love the way you described curling. B)
It is fun to watch though.


Forum Asst. Chief
I can see the FaceBook group now. 1,000,000 strong to replace sychronized swimming with paint ball in the Summer Olympics.
Now that would be something to take time out and watch.^_^


Forum Captain
Is it sad that I have been trying to deep clean my house for 2 weeks and finally gave in today and called a cleaning service to do the job?


Forum Asst. Chief
Is it sad that I have been trying to deep clean my house for 2 weeks and finally gave in today and called a cleaning service to do the job?

my mom has threatened to do that with our house many times. I can't stand the idea of someone going through my stuff. I would probably never find anything after that.:)


The Truth Provider


Forum Chief
Loving Denver. Can't wait to move to Lakewood!


Forum Lieutenant
Well we had another "water rescue" suicide. They haven't found this one yet either. And bonus they had witnesses this time. Oh well I didn't have to sit down there and freeze my butt off so it's all good. I, however, got to play break in with the five-oh. Lol.


Forum Deputy Chief
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently and die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."


Forum Lieutenant
So when you live in a "small" town like I do news of someone killing themselves is a top story. The fd, mo state water patrol, and various dive teams are still searching for the missing man and his truck. This has become a spectator sport. There are more than 250 people at the riverfront waiting and watching just to catch a glimpse of a dead body and be the first to know who it is.....I'm floored just floored.


Forum Deputy Chief
Does anyone know where I could get my hands on an mp3 of The Calling by Yes? I can't find it on iTunes and plain old googling is not showing me anything.

Trying to revive some old highschool football memories here. The song was on our highlights reel when we won the state championship in 2005. (My word that was a long time ago!) Gosh, I forgot how much I missed being on the field. Watching the reel brings back great memories and makes me hurt at the same time. What I would not give to go back and play just one more season of ball.......


Forum Crew Member
OK, ladies and gentlemen, lets get down to this critique.
I've looked at the reports, Seems we've had a busy week!

Now, right away I'd like to say some words about supplies.
Our inventory's pretty decent, and I realize
Sometimes you need an item for use in your own pack,
But whoever took the defibrillator had better put it back!
Now while I'm on equipment, and I've mentioned it before,
Before you leave the bay make sure your rig will clear the door.
As you know, we've ordered a new cot for unit 6,
'Cause once those things have been run over, they're impossible to fix!

Sometimes I feel like the ringmaster in the circus.
Sometimes I feel like I'm the keeper in the zoo.
If things don't change, I'll go insane before the year is through.
I wish that I could trade in this entire crew!

Now, the Mayor has cut our budget, and though revenge is on our minds,
Last week at his party you stepped too far out of line.
I guarantee that someone here will surely get the sack
If I find out which one of you spiked the punch with ipecac!
And, it seems we're getting sued again, I'm sorry to report,
But if you wouldn't stop while on a run you could keep us out of court!
It's nice to hear that you asked the patient if he liked his coffee black,
But no more stopping at the Donut Store with someone dying in the back!

My doctor tells me that I can't take this much longer.
He says my heart just cannot take the strain.
If I could, I know that I should get out just the same,
'Cause if my heart holds out, I'm sure to go insane!

A note here for the gentlemen: You gotta think before you act.
Some patients are quite sensitive, so try to use some tact.
When a woman asks you why a chest survey is being done,
Tell her that "It's necessary," and NOT "Because it's fun!"
Last of all, our protocols leave no room for debate:
The patient must be fully unconscious BEFORE you intubate!
OK, I hope you got that down. I hope enough's been said.
And, I hope I never hear of these things happening again!

I must relax, 'cause I can't let this job get to me
A first attack I believe I could survive,
The ER's good, the doctors there could treat and stabilize,
but I can't trust this crew to get me there alive!

Sometimes I feel like the ringmaster in the circus.
Sometimes I feel like I'm the keeper in the zoo.
If things don't change, I'll go insane before the year is through.
I wish that I could trade in this entire crew!


Forum Captain
my mom has threatened to do that with our house many times. I can't stand the idea of someone going through my stuff. I would probably never find anything after that.:)

Oh nothing like that. They wont be putting up stuff or going through anything. I just want them to do a deep clean of the ceramic tile floors through out the house plus the black marble master bath, the upstairs bathroom that my parents use when in town and the kitchen. Basically I want to make sure my loving mother has very little to gripe about when she visits for 2 weeks around Easter/my sons Bday/my brother coming back from Iraq. At least this time when she gripes I can give her the # to file a complaint with instead of her nagging me.


Forum Chief
Just got back from Denver :D I now have a place, which is right down the street from a CC that does the medic AAS. Now if my CO EMS license would show I could start applying at the ambulance companies around there


Forum Crew Member
Just got back from Denver :D I now have a place, which is right down the street from a CC that does the medic AAS. Now if my CO EMS license would show I could start applying at the ambulance companies around there

Nice. Good luck