the 100% directionless thread

Jury Duty today... Lame =(
Jury Duty today... Lame =(

Trick to jury duty. First thing to ask the jury coordinator or the judge (a judge always gave an intro speech to the jury pool at the Vista court house) is if they have any handouts on jury nullification. Actually, I might try that at the next jury duty I show up to (got excused from my last one...).
Just as an FYI to everyone:

screaming like a little girl does NOT stop the Taser.
just spent $310 on getting my dog some digital xrays and a 400 cc fluid bolus. Effing mutt ate half a bag of dog food and had a hard bloated belly. I couldn't tell if she was dry heaving because she had a rawhide stuck in her somewhere or if she had gotten into something bad. Turns out she just ate 3 days worth of food and really nothing was wrong with her.

I noticed that she didnt want to eat dinner, which is atypical for her. then i noticed her hard distended abdomen and took her to the after hours emergency vet.

It was ME that was supposed to have a $300 meal at Uchi (badass sushi bar) tonight... instead the freakin dog took a $30 bag of food and turned it into a $310 dollar meal.

At least yours was cheap compared to what mine was a few years Glad she's okay and nothing was seriously wrong with her. Had our rescued St. Bernard snatch a hotdog out of my little brothers hand and it got lodged in his stomach. He bloated and his stomach twisted (Gastric dilatation-volvulus is what he had and survival chance is only about 25%). About 2 hours later we were going to bed so put him outside one last time. He somehow got out of the backyard and instead of wandering the neighborhood he came to the front door, layed down and barked. We noticed his abdomen extremely bloated and he wasn't his usual self.

4 surgeries and $3500 later he was better. But he ended up passing away about a year and a half later due to other issues/old age. He was almost 8.

This was Boss
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Just as an FYI to everyone:

screaming like a little girl does NOT stop the Taser.

LMAO!!! but it makes for some seriously good video.....
Is it just me? Or do the rest of you think this as well.:unsure:

My thought is:

What the heck is with the recent wave of "I am blah blah blah and I live in xyz. I want to be a(n) EMT/Medic/RN/etc. Only problem is I am a felon. Is this going to be a problem?

If you think it is going to be a problem, GO CHECK WITH THE CLASS CORDINATOR OR THE LOCAL PD OR THE SO OR EVEN THE LOCAL AMBULANCE!!!!!!!!! Just check with someone who can actually give you an answer!!!!!! Shoot, call the FBI if you want. They already know who you are and where you live as soon as your computer goes online, so talking about your felony record doesn't phase them. I alone with this thought?
Nope, you're not the only one.
I'm in Pomona and want to be a docta, but I'm not a felon. Can someone help me fix this deficiency in my application?

Called our vet today to see if they had a idea as to what to do with our old donkey that died in the night. She stated that We can pay someone $150 to haul it off, or bury it. I was not about the pay someone that amount of money. So she suggested the hole idea. She was sure that the ground was soft enough to dig a ok size hole. :blink: For a 300 pound donkey, deep enough to keep dogs out?! With 60+ inches of snow out and we just had over a week of single digits temps dipping into the negatives at night. You are kidding me, right?
nope, she was dead serious. No pun intended. :D
I just hope that we don't freak out the ups man by having a dead donkey in the driveway while we figure out where to put it, or how to get it there through the snow drifts.:)
At least yours was cheap compared to what mine was a few years Glad she's okay and nothing was seriously wrong with her. Had our rescued St. Bernard snatch a hotdog out of my little brothers hand and it got lodged in his stomach. He bloated and his stomach twisted (Gastric dilatation-volvulus is what he had and survival chance is only about 25%). About 2 hours later we were going to bed so put him outside one last time. He somehow got out of the backyard and instead of wandering the neighborhood he came to the front door, layed down and barked. We noticed his abdomen extremely bloated and he wasn't his usual self.

4 surgeries and $3500 later he was better. But he ended up passing away about a year and a half later due to other issues/old age. He was almost 8.

This was Boss
BOSS! What a great name! Sorry that he has passed on. Great looking dog tho! The thing that kills me, is that we finally figure out that she ate all that food the night before. She had already been running 6 miles in the greenbelt and was running like nothing was wrong ALL DAY. The only time we noticed was when she wouldn't eat. I wondered why she took TWO HUGE DUMPS on the trail... so the moral of the story being. If we would have just skipped her dinner and left her be, she would have been just fine without going to the Doggie ER and getting an IV and 500cc bolus (+ the $175 digital x-rays that took 2 HOURS to show us!)

mad at the dog! mad at the dog!! and she doesn't even remember why. Gave me a sad sad look when i didn't feed her tonight. Her belly is still big and hard, but not as much as last night and today was TWO MORE HUGE DUMPS!

Sorry about Boss.

Here are Cinder and Shadow


Cinder is the 35lb Mini-American Pitbull and Shadow is a 65lb Black Lab.
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Nope, you're not the only one.

Ok, good, I was getting lonely with that thought.

I put forth a resolution.

WHEREAS there has been a recent increase in the number of "felons" posting on our forum and

WHEREAS they all have been asking the same questions and

WHEREAS the members of EMTLife (hereinafter refered to as us, we, etc) can in no way remove you criminal record and have no desire to help you hide it thus becoming crminals ourselves and

WHEREAS people with a common interst or problem often enjoy the company of each other then

Be it RESOLVED we hereby petition the leaders of EMTLife to create a completely new subforum entitled Felons Unite! for these aforementioned individuals to meet, comiserate and discuss the problems, either real or perceived, of attempting to enter the field of EMS with a felony on record and the ways and means to hide said felonys or get around the natural consequences, however painful, of their actions.

Writen and (not) signed this 26th day of February in the Year of our Lord Two Thousand Ten.

The small print:
The above is in no way attempting to point fingers at any individual, real or fictional, in any way shape or form whatsoever and is after all a big joke which is only intended to prove a point. No action whatsoever should be taken regarding the information in this post. If you want to take action on something you must be a felon and read the next previous post in this thread my me.
^^ Second the motion.

i have no problem with people trying to do as they may. If you are lucky enough to get a second chance, don't blow it like the Ex chief of Blanco County Volunteer Ambulance service.

First he was a paramedic firefighter, who became the chief, then changed all the titles of the emergency vehicles into his name...

then didn't lose his license... and became the chief of BVAS and proceeded to steal fentanyl "for his wife."

HEAR ME?? IF YOU GET A SECOND CHANCE DON'T BLOW IT. And yes, please make a forum for people to ask the questions, so the rest of us can move along without having to answer your questions because WE CANT GIVE YOU A LICENSE! Ask the people who CAN!
I affectionately refer to my dogs as hogs

Ok so

Ruby is the spotty one, Violet is the black one.

When Violet was little she was always soooo hungry (still is) that we started calling her piggy. Then one time our the lady leading our dog training class reached down and started petting her and calling her Piggy, so we knew the name was gonna stick. Although if you saw my earlier posts from today and last night... Ruby is the one who pigged out and bloated her belly up.

So the full official names Ultra-Violet "Bitey" Clary (also known affectionately -- and answers as well to, Piggy) and Ruby "Nugget" Clary (also known as Dr. Rubenstein)

so. one of the baby pigs
and one of the full grown with my wife, Evening, and myself.

and finally one of Violet leaping off of an 8 foot cliff for the frisbee.

dogs are O B S E S S E D with the frisbee. Don't even touch it, if you do... you've got two hogs in your pockets after the frisbee... unrelenting.

forgot to add... They are litter mates. Born in December 07. Mom was a 50lb black lab, Dad was a catahoula leopard cur. Interesting aside, Catahoula Leopard Cur is the official state dog of Louisiana... after they stole it from Texas. Catahoulas are the only indigenous breed of dogs in the US. They are a "sporting breed," so no official papers or anything, (puke on breeders). The breed is a working breed, cattle herders, boar hunters. They pack hunt. Rubes looks like a red merle catahoula, piggy looks like her mom. Both fluctuate from 50-60 lbs, depending on how many miles they hike, or how many days in a row I work. So the breed, when people ask me.. i usually say something goofy like Labrahoula Retrievers, or Labrador Leopard Cur... love the dogs love the dogs love the dogs! :)


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OMG can I have Ruby?! lol She's adorable! I'd love to gt a catahoula someday. Good cattle dogs. :P

I loved Boss. He was an AMAZING dog. Would have made an awesome therapy dog had I (well my mom) taken the time to get him certified. He had a special knack for special needs children.

We now have another St. Bernard "puppy." He'll be a year old March 15th and currently weighs about 150. Should top out close to 175 if not more. He's a pretty good dog when he's not chewing everything in sight and if he'll ever lose his selective hearing he'll be fantastic.
lol... selective hearing...

i choose to hear the treats cabinet open...

i choose to keep running for the cat... and not hear you right now.

Oh, I also choose not to hear you telling me to stop trying to get the frisbee out of your pocket.

I love puppies... i'm thinking of taking up fostering again. We fostered for 2 years until I got into nursing school... when i got too busy.

Fostering was my solution for ENDLESS PUPPIES in the house. Lots and lots and lots of potty training, but hey, we have saltillo tile in all but one room, so not tooo much trouble... less you step in the "spot" at night lol. Oh the chewers the chewers. We got really lucky with ours... half lab/ half catahoula, we ended up with the best of both worlds. Super retrievers with none of the terrible twos! Oh yah.. and Ruby is so gorgeous... too bad she eats like a goldfish!
Kingdom's favorite thing to chew is the dang toilet paper. He'll snatch a roll up and that's the end of it.

The one thing he listen's to is if you ask him if he wants a treat. No lie that dog knows the word treat. He is so food motivated he'll do anything for a little treat.

I wish he was still this size.


And since everyone else is doing their dogs, this is one of mine: Melee
