the 100% directionless thread

Admit it, in reality fire fighting and EMS aren't so different
EMS: "So why did you wait until 3 in the morning to call us for this chest pain?"

Fire: "So you knew it was smoldering mid afternoon YESTERDAY... but you waited until this morning when I was :censored:ing my wife to call us?? Excuse me *cough*:censored:*cough*idiot*cough*"
EMS: Nothing is more annoying than dispatch giving you the wrong address

Fire: Nothing is more annoying than the driver next to you in the engine saying ":censored: I couldve sworn there was a road going south here!!"
EMS: "Attention medic 1 respond to a car crash with known injuries"... few minutes later... "medic 1 signal nine, deputy on scene is advising no injuries"

Fire: "Attention (3 named stations), respond to a structral fire" ...a few minutes later... "County, (first station on scene), it is a controled burn, just a wiene roast"
Dude I just got over H1N1 and I'm freaking getting sick again.

Lets powwow. Roast marshmallows and cough all over the fire.

They told us three weeks til we know. -_-

Sounds perfect! How soon can you make it over here. Or would it be better to go over there. I can still get on base w/my millitary dep. ID.

How did the H1N1 s/s start? I think I may be coming down with it. Rapid onset, headache, runny nose, slight fever, clogged head, sore throat, a little bit of nausea earlier, fun stuff. Plus, I have no appitite and haven't eaten hardly anything in like 36 hours. If I get any worse, I'll probably go in, but I hate just running to the doctor for everything! It is the old EMS and healthcare people make the worst patients thing..........
Get better, both of you! Being sick always sucks.

RuralEMT said:
Fire: "Attention (3 named stations), respond to a structral fire" ...a few minutes later... "County, (first station on scene), it is a controled burn, just a wiene roast"

During controlled burn season, we take bets on what percentage of fire calls are going to be controlled burns. People who bet high usually win. Not sure if the prize is anything but bragging rights, though.
Get better, both of you! Being sick always sucks.


During controlled burn season, we take bets on what percentage of fire calls are going to be controlled burns. People who bet high usually win. Not sure if the prize is anything but bragging rights, though

Ha! Yesterday we got paged out to a fire in the trees across the road from {address}. RP reports large amounts of smoke. Flames visable. I get there first by my self and end up calling everyone off. It was several logging slash piles that have been going for like 5 days now. And the biggest was only 10x15! The flames were barly 8-10 inches tall. I was thinking, "what, did you just get out of you chair for the first time in a week and see smoke?" :wacko:
Sounds perfect! How soon can you make it over here. Or would it be better to go over there. I can still get on base w/my millitary dep. ID.

How did the H1N1 s/s start? I think I may be coming down with it. Rapid onset, headache, runny nose, slight fever, clogged head, sore throat, a little bit of nausea earlier, fun stuff. Plus, I have no appitite and haven't eaten hardly anything in like 36 hours. If I get any worse, I'll probably go in, but I hate just running to the doctor for everything! It is the old EMS and healthcare people make the worst patients thing..........

Answered in your profile. :)
It's 1am. I can't sleep.

I'm watching "Friends". Reminds me of when I was a kid.^_^
Something must be wrong with us, I didn't sleep well last night either. Paying attention in class today was zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Something must be wrong with us, I didn't sleep well last night either. Paying attention in class today was zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Um, we're all in EMS... If our sleep schedules weren't messed up before, they sure are now.
Paying attention in class today was zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

just today? sounds like everyday class for me :P

on a related note, studying for my midterm tomorrow is also boring. which is why i find myself on this site.
Had the worst insomnia ever last night and have been up all day with my son and still have work to look forward to tonight. I am so tired but cant nap because I have so much to do today.
My friend is mad at me because I refused to sit through a six hour estimated wait time for her daughter to get the H1N1 vaccine, even though it's avaliable at our hospital. All because she didn't get up at 0900 when that vaccine clinic opened that day and she seems to have trouble making appointments to get it at our hospital. So now I dont have a babysitter for when I go take my national registry. Lovely. <_<
Oddly enough we haven't had any calls that have woken me up before 8 in several weeks.

I'm jealous. Mine have been following a wonderful pattern lately. The first one comes in right as I'm in the middle of checking gear. The second one around ten or eleven. Then one more as soon as I fall asleep after that. Then a whole bunch right before I'm due to get off.
I'm jealous. Mine have been following a wonderful pattern lately. The first one comes in right as I'm in the middle of checking gear. The second one around ten or eleven. Then one more as soon as I fall asleep after that. Then a whole bunch right before I'm due to get off.

Sounds fun! :P
I'm jealous. Mine have been following a wonderful pattern lately. The first one comes in right as I'm in the middle of checking gear. The second one around ten or eleven. Then one more as soon as I fall asleep after that. Then a whole bunch right before I'm due to get off.

I have come oh so close though. The big fire we had saturday morning came about 8:07. A call I had last night came about 9:30ish as I was sitting down to take out my contacts. I was so happy that I had not started taking them out yet.