So besides things like steps and mileage, my FitBit tracks your elevation, i.e. how many flights of stairs you've climbed in a day (walking up a hill will still count, that's just how it presents the metric).
And today's OT is at a station that's single story, no stairs or ladder or anything, so this morning, while climbing the stairs in my Apt parking garage, I decide to go up down three times (instead of my usual once) to hit my 10 flights goal first thing (normally 3 flights to get to my parking spot)
Aaaaannndddd our very first call of the shift was an injured hiker where we had to hike in like a mile to reach them (simple ankle injury, we splinted, took vitals, made sure everything else was okay, and had the helicopter fly her out so we didn't have to carry very far)
So I'm at like 52 total flights of stairs equivalent climbed today... guess I didn't need that extra bit this morning hahaha