the 100% directionless thread

Just made a patient jump through the roof of my ambulance. Tapped their kidneys and boy did they jump. Looks like someone has a kidney infection.
Shooter at Ohio State :(, soo sad :(... At least 8 shot.
Prayers are with them..
Ended up being a knife attack after the man tried to run people over with his car. Hopefully the only person who dies remains the attacker, better if this had never happened.
Ended up being a knife attack after the man tried to run people over with his car. Hopefully the only person who dies remains the attacker, better if this had never happened.

Was going to edit but I can't :(.

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The UK has the highest death rate for stab wounds, and knife wounds in the world i think... or at least they were in 2013.

On a good note Suprisngly a Campus Security/ Police officer (idk what they use/ are called)

"The man who fatally shot Artan was identified as OSU Officer Alan Horujko, 28, officials said. Horujko has been a member of the OSU police department since January 2015.

"It helped the officer be in the right place at the right time, as he was able to see this whole thing happen and take immediate action," an official said at a press conference this afternoon."
They used my favorite word in the press conference "eliminated the threat". Btw response time was well under a minute, im hearing ~~30 seconds.
On a happier note my Colorado certificate came through! Called Denver health and they told me to just reapply.
Surprised to see this morning that the next HHS secretary will be a physician - hasn't been one since HW's administration, as far as I can tell.
Shooter at Ohio State :(, soo sad :(... At least 8 shot.
Prayers are with them..

Although it sounds like the Somali of the normal religious persuarsion went on a vehicle and knife rampage, and was put down by the cop with the sidearm... But the media much preferred the active shooter scenario. Sounds reasonable, he says he didnt know if he would be safe praying in public so lets mow people down with a car and slash/stab a bunch of others.
"On Monday, the Ohio State paper, The Lantern, republished Artan's quotes from the article. Hours earlier, Ohio State police Officer Alan Horujko shot Artan dead within minutes of him ramming his car into pedestrians and attacking victims with a knife."

And am I the only person who is thinking, as terrible as the Brazilian soccer team crash is, that at least it didn't crash up high and result in another "Alive" scenario?
Although it sounds like the Somali of the normal religious persuarsion went on a vehicle and knife rampage, and was put down by the cop with the sidearm... But the media much preferred the active shooter scenario.
I want to delete it because it was the info that was provided at the time.. but i cant :(. As previously mentioned the thing that fascinates me, is the limit of damage/casualties by fast response times <1 minute.
About the brazil crash, i think it's horrible but i agree, it could have been much worse.
I want to delete it because it was the info that was provided at the time.. but i cant :(. As previously mentioned the thing that fascinates me, is the limit of damage/casualties by fast response times <1 minute.
About the brazil crash, i think it's horrible but i agree, it could have been much worse.

Yeah, gotcha. All the initial news sources were screaming active shooter. The usual libs were screaming at the NRA, Shannon Watts tweeting about banning guns on schools, etc... aaaaaaaaaaand, not so much. Sadly it seems the media has a canned narrative they start pushing until they are proven wrong.
Yeah, gotcha. All the initial news sources were screaming active shooter. The usual libs were screaming at the NRA, Shannon Watts tweeting about banning guns on schools, etc... aaaaaaaaaaand, not so much. Sadly it seems the media has a canned narrative they start pushing until they are proven wrong.
I can kind of understand why they said shooter, because shots were fired... granted it was a Campus security officer, but a security officer nonetheless(HATS OFF TO THAT MAN, not saying that in a derogatory/sarcastic way.) 2 tiny points y'all can do your own research on:
1. gun free zones, and the violence in them (i got "kicked off" a college campus for being a guest teacher in my bosses class(hes an adjunct teacher) and showing his class gear and what not(so i had my firearms and what not)).
2. General Violence rates in countries like the UK, if people don't have access to guns, they'll bash your skull in with a bat, or with a car, or slice with a knife..
gun free zones, and the violence in them
Wait, wait, you're telling me that this *isn't* an effective tool to stop people with bad intent??? :p


I know all too many people who think "Boy, it's really a good idea to ban guns, because then people can't get them", and yet argue that narcotics should be legal because "people will get them anyway."

I'm for the latter, but...for different reasons.
Wait, wait, you're telling me that this *isn't* an effective tool to stop people with bad intent??? :p


I know all too many people who think "Boy, it's really a good idea to ban guns, because then people can't get them", and yet argue that narcotics should be legal because "people will get them anyway."

I'm for the latter, but...for different reasons.
got me there. im scared now ;). I just find it amusing sworn LEO's get kicked off of college campuses (for the record... they could not legally force me to leave, i left under my own volition to avoid starting a huge confrontation with the "chief of security", and also for the record i am legally allowed to carry a firearm in a gun free zone)
I wonder why there haven't been mass shootings in public places in Arizona.

Did I mention that this is the anniversary of when I got Mt CCW?

I wonder why there haven't been mass shootings in public places in Arizona.

Did I mention that this is the anniversary of when I got Mt CCW?

What's that?!?!? ;) my friend has a scary scary thing that lets him carry his scary black tactical military projectile flinging object, under his shirt!!!!! Nobody can even see it what is this madness!!!!!!!