the 100% directionless thread


Forum Captain
Ladies, Gents, Friends, Coworkers, and fellow Lifesavers,

I just received some of the worst news of my life. And... I have a really really hard time talking about things, especially feeling and emotions. I cope best by writing things down. So here goes. My sister and best friend since I was born just called me and said she fell at work yesterday and had a seizure and was transported to the ER, I noticed her speech was slurring and she was talking differently than what I am used to. I asked her what happened and she said they found a large tumor on the left side of her brain and are going to do emergency surgery and they are unsure of the outcome but it doesn't look promising. She was just recently employed with this company a month ago. But more importantly she has texted and called me on a few occasions when she just felt 'weird'. She would ask what was happening to her and I told her I didn't know- that she needed to go to the doctor. I am in Texas, she is in South Carolina.. and I have never felt so helpless before. Here I am sitting saving lives every day and I can't do anything for my own family member. My best friend. My whole world has stopped. I can't even feel myself breathing. I don't know what to do. All I do is cry. But y'all know and understand. Does anyone know what could happen? I am not even thinking. I am just spilling words out onto this screen. I don't know much about brain surgery, but I do know there are a lot of variables depending on where the tumor is.

I have vacation planned to be there in less than 2 weeks, but I am afraid that it will be too late. I don't know what to do. I am lost. Be safe out there.


My aunt had a Brain Aneurysm two months ago. Me and her are extremely close as we used to hang out every day when I lived in Sweden.
I got the news as "She is sick. She collapsed in the car. Shes on her way to the hospital. Brain Aneurysm." And anyone with medical experience or knowledge will freak out.
The doctors didn't think she was going to make it and I didn't think she was going to make it. My father and mother had a positive attitude, which I could barely get myself to have. The doctors gave her 20 min to respond after taking the pain medications off. She responded in 22 minutes, so they decided to do the surgery. My father flew to Sweden right away to be by her side.
Now 8 weeks after, she's doing awesome. She lives at home now again by her self and she's out exercising, going to movie, dinner, and hanging out with friends. She's almost 100% back to where she was before (Without counting the Aneurysm) and she's feeling great. She also had to battle a Pulmonary Embolism 4 weeks after her surgery but she beat that. Now I just hope that she stays healthy and does great!
The brain surgeon that she had has practiced medicine in New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland, US, and Sweden. He said that he has never seen anyone recover this fast from something like this before.

I decided to tell you this story to give you some encouragement. Your sister will be fine. Just stay by her side and keep cheering her on through out your battle. Yes, there's going to be times when you are just going to break down and cry. It's okay! That's normal. Not to cry, is not normal.
I would cry to my shift at work and then cry on my way home from my shift.
Everything you see is going to remind you of your sister, but you got to look at that as a positive thing. It's wanting to remind you of the good times that you had together and the times that you will have together in the future.
Number 1 cure to medicine is LOVE. Number 2 is HOPE. Number 3 is people around you. With that I mean the family who are cheering you on and the doctors who take such amazing care of you.

Good luck to your sister with her battle against this tumor and she'll be in my prayers. 'll pray for her that she'll make it through this surgery alright and that she'll recover 100%.
Please update us on how she is.


Site Administrator
Community Leader
My cardac arrest turned out not to be a cardiac arrest ..... bummer

It's not a bummer for the pt. :p

I'm off today. Plan on getting some things done that I've been putting off for way too long.

But first things first.... time to go for a 3 mile walk.


Forum Asst. Chief
Wow.... I think I'm finally caught up on sleep. Came home from a long shift yesterday, went to bed at 8, and just now woke up. 14 hours of sleep! I think this makes up for the last few nights of one or two hours. I feel so much better.


Forum Deputy Chief
Heh, long story short, Chimpie, but I've had half that and I work a 12hr shift today.

Awww.....quit complaining. I got five hours last night, moved 8 tons of hay today, have a directors board meeting tonight that usually goes until about 2200, have to drive a half hour home,and have to leave for the airport at 0200 tomorrow.

Granted, I am going on vacation for a week.:p

jk, jk.^_^


Awww.....quit complaining. I got five hours last night, moved 8 tons of hay today, have a directors board meeting tonight that usually goes until about 2200, have to drive a half hour home,and have to leave for the airport at 0200 tomorrow.

Granted, I am going on vacation for a week.:p

jk, jk.^_^

lol ask him WHY he didn't get any sleep!


Forearm splints. And you KNOW we had a lot of patients that consisted of moving via bed sheets.

do you mean as comparable to shin splints?


finished research exam 7. and i can't bring myself to go back over my 180 answers to make sure i'm gonna get an A.

can't bring myself to make it matter if i get an A average for my EMT-I.

I guess it's just because the coffee is wearing off.

research exam 8 and then the final.

i think my hospital rotations are going to be waived, due to work experience, so i'm trying to swing for 40 hours of OR time (wouldn't that be something to get 10-20 live ETI as an intermediate?!)

40 hours of ambulance shifts (i'm thinking i'll be bugging Fox800 for the inside scoop on clinical shifts with ATCEMS <SCHWEET!> ... i'm so dying to ride on the blue and yellow rigs!)

and then i'll take the test. Deadline is october for applications to Austin community college EMT-P certificate program (don't b*tch i've already got a bachelors and an ASN)

if it goes as i plan, cardiology this spring. advanced paramedic clinicals in the fall. and paramedic internship spring of 2012.

its all coming together.

gah... its time to start checking my answers before every category on this main page says "last reply 8jimi8"


Forum Deputy Chief
I am chilling in the Detroit airport right now. After my first flight out of Spokane died on the ramp, I got played with by Delta like I was some kind of toy. Fourteen hours later thy finally found me a flight, then I find out that I don't even have a confirmed seat and was put on standby. So I went to the gate and, long story short, demanded, by way of two gate agents and one supervisor, a seat on the flight. I'm sick of Delta right now. And I'm tired considering I got up at 0200 to make what turned out to be a 2100 flight. I thought my trip would take ten hours, it has now taken almost thirty. Cool.


where're ya goin?


Yes. Dey hurt. They're aching right now. Time to suck it up and go to work...


slideboards, slide sheets, or hoya lift... save your body bro! Now then... not sure where you work.... if you mean out of bed to the gurney, then to the box... i feel for ya! Used to have shin splints when I played soccer for my university.

....those little 3 oz dixie cups filled with water, frozen.... like a pushup pop for splints. Sweet numb relief.
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Forum Deputy Chief
where're ya goin?


I swear to God. I am never flyig Delta again. Talk about no customer service or respect....... Thank God I am on my last flight. Twenty hours late, I am about ready to finish this ordeal. They are yelling at us to shut down our phones now. Later peoples.


Sorry !! lol....

did y'all hear about the flight attendant who "got on the PA, cursed a customer out, grabbed a beer, and then activated the emergency exit slide" ?!!

heard it the other day on NPR...


Forum Deputy Chief

I swear to God. I am never flyig Delta again. Talk about no customer service or respect....... Thank God I am on my last flight. Twenty hours late, I am about ready to finish this ordeal. They are yelling at us to shut down our phones now. Later peoples.

Try Southwest next time if you can.... I've always been pleased with their service and prices. Nothing beat the time I got an entire row to myself on a flight to Tenn.... I got to lay out and sleep.


and you don't have to pay for your bags either.


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Community Leader
After going through each one manually, I deleted 802 emails from my inbox yesterday.

Now I'm going through another 41.