Did something I never thought I'd do before today

Two girls stopped me on my way out of the gas station on my dinner break from school and asked if I knew anything about cars. I said "a little" and asked them why. They asked me to look at theirs since it wouldn't start.
It was (I believe) a fuel issue and told them there was no way that I knew of to start it there.
I don't know why, but I decided it would be a good idea to offer them a ride as long as it was close (it probably had something to do with one being really cute lol). Ended up driving both home, they both even gave me their numbers, haha

(they were reallllyy friggin' weird though, so..)
Made the mistake of telling my mom when I got home and got a good 20 minute lecture on how stupid I apparently was... Oh, well, thought it'd be my good deed for the day, lol
Edit: Unless I'm mistaken, don't you have a pretty significantly long medic program, Anjel?