I only hold back when I know the circumstances.

Whats wrong Rural?
I'm about to berserk on a few people. Couple teachers, one of whom had the balls (although shes a woman, it wouldnt surprise me if she did) to write the word bologna on the front of the research paper that I spent two whole weekends working on. (Whats really funny about that is she happened to spell it wrong) Where as the girl who turned in a 3 page paper (including cover sheet and sources) for a minimum 10 page paper got a higher grade than I did. To give you a background on this teacher, I had a friend who turned in a paper to her, it was given a 61%, 1% above an F. So what did he do? He sent it to Purdue and asked a Journalism Proffessor to look over it, she gave it a 89%. What really kills me is she rambled on about how if I use a source, and I have to use (sic) even once, I should not use that source, because if it has a mistake in it, then it is likely not accurate. Doesnt matter if I quoted 2 other sources that agreed with what that author said.
Then it doesnt help that one of my good friends decided to chew me out earlier in the day. She said that I don't deserve the grades that I get because:
"Everyone in this class went home last night and studied their *** off for the final today. Heck, I only slept 4 hours last night because I stayed up so late studying for this one final. Then you walk into this class joking that you don't need last minute study time, you want to get this over with. I know you did not study at all last night, I doubt your book has even been out of your locker in the past week. Then you are the only person in the class to get an A on the final let alone ace the damn thing. You know what, you can just go :censored: yourself you :censored:ing :censored:hole."
Realize that I have never known her to cuss, she considers it dirty and childish. She wont even say fudge, but, poop, ect in the context.
So not only am I ready to freak on a few people, I had a :censored:ty day in general.