Thank/Agree boxes for posts


Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
Reaction score
I have seen, and appreciate on other forums a formal way to "thank" or agree with other's posts, without adding additional posts. It also functions well as positive incentive to members (I've been thanked 10 times!). Is this something the CLs would be willing to discuss?
I have seen, and appreciate on other forums a formal way to "thank" or agree with other's posts, without adding additional posts. It also functions well as positive incentive to members (I've been thanked 10 times!). Is this something the CLs would be willing to discuss?
I agree with this post. If we had the feature then all I could do is just click a button if I agreed and didn't have anything to say on the subject.
There is a major flaw with the thanks/I agree button in that it drives up server loads to the point that the site could become unaccessible. The sites I've seen that have had it have gotten rid of it for that reason.
One I frequent has "calling cards".

Just to leave a note that you read the post, date and time. Does not appear in the main body of the posts or site, a special little niche.
The "thank you" hack is common on many forums, but I never saw the need on EMTLife. Do you really think that there is a need and it would be a used feature?
Try Rep? But then of course some people would become rep :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored:s
Rep trollops?