It is very hard to defend and provide a case of justification for using a police escort. All the national studies on lights and siren use have all said they provide a time savings that is very minimal and the majority of times not of clinical significance. As in, what would EMS have done in the two minutes saved by lights and sirens that would have contributed to any real difference in clinical oucome? The risk however of utilizing lights and sirens puts everyone on the road at risk for numerous reasons.
How much time is saved by using a police escort? I would like to see a study to evaluate this (not that one is actually needed). Bright flashing lights and sirens are the same no matter what type of vehicle they are coming from.
And the AHA and numerous other sources advise that the pediatric airway can be maintained with as much efficiency as intubation when done properly. With an oral adjunct, BVM at a proper rate and tidal volume, and an NG tube in place, the pedi airway can be managed just as well as with at ET tube. In fact given the low number of pedi intubations performed, the pedi arrest patient would prob be better off if providers weren't so proud and went to the BVM and NG tube after one failed attempt.
That sucks a simple procedure like IO insertion isnt permitted but still not reason for police escort.