Texas HEMS


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Hey everyone,

I was just wondering if anyone knew if Air Methods, AirLife, or even if PHI were hiring in Texas at this time? I have five years of ground critical care plus I just left Air Evac after one year (don't ask lol) as a Flight Medic/Base Clinical Lead and already have my FP-C.

Thanks. I visited those sites but AirLife has had CURRENTLY HIRING up for awhile now so not sure if they've forgotten to update their website or not lol and PHI seems to only have mechanic and pilot jobs listed on their facebook page and no clinical positions listed at all which seems strange.

I'll submit resumes and hope for the best.
Well I was going to say I'm pretty sure AirEvac is always hiring... But you just proved my point :lol:

I haven't heard anything about AirLife hiring, but you may think about sending an email to Kevin- he's always been helpful. If you aren't familiar with him, I'll shoot you a PM.

Don't know about the other two, either. Emails are your friend.
Have you checked CareFlite in DFW? I thought I had heard that they were hiring for rotor
Native Air (Air Methods) has several openings at their El Paso base. They fly a PC-12 (Lifeguard 8) and a Bell 412 w/ hoist (Native 23). Their mission profile is interesting and unique in the fashion that their rotor flys double or triple medic. Fixed wing flys standard Medic / RN. Pay is on the low side though and they have a difficult time keeping medics interested in staying out there.

Native 36 is a separate base in El Paso, based at Sierra Medical Center. They fly a BK-117, some cross training opportunities may be available.


REACH Air Medical has a couple of openings at their Pearsall, Tx. base (an hour south of San Antonio). They fly a Bell 407 and have a decent volume. Pay and benefits are top notch, but be mindful they fall under the AMGH family of companies. They also work closely with AE-50 in Seguin (formerly the San Marcos base). Depending on your previous association with AEL, this may be a potential issue???

All are worth a look if you're flexible on location.
Native Air (Air Methods) has several openings at their El Paso base. They fly a PC-12 (Lifeguard 8) and a Bell 412 w/ hoist (Native 23). Their mission profile is interesting and unique in the fashion that their rotor flys double or triple medic. Fixed wing flys standard Medic / RN. Pay is on the low side though and they have a difficult time keeping medics interested in staying out there.

Native 36 is a separate base in El Paso, based at Sierra Medical Center. They fly a BK-117, some cross training opportunities may be available.

Thanks! I did, in fact, submit my resume for the El Paso position this weekend not that I'm thrilled about El Paso in anyway but it would be a job and one I love doing.